The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 14 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 429 pages of information about The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 14.

The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 14 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 429 pages of information about The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 14.
At last of these dogs there remained to me but one unclaimed and he had only a single eye and no owner.  So I took up a staff and beat him and he ran away and I ran after him to catch him until he came upon a house with the door open and rushed within.  Now by the decree of the Decreer it so happened that the mistress of the house had a man living with her who was one-eyed and I ran in and said to her, “Bring out the one-eyed that is with thee,” meaning the dog.  But when the house mistress heard me say, “Bring out the one-eyed,” she fancied that I spoke of her mate, so knowing naught about the matter of the tyke she came up to me and cried, “Allah upon thee, O my lord, do thou veil what Allah hath veiled and rend not our reputation and deal not disgrace to us;"[FN#351] presently adding, “Take this bangle from me and betray us not.”  So I took it and left her and went my ways, after which she returned to the house and her heart was heaving and she found that her man had been in like case ever since he heard me say, “Bring out the one-eyed.”  So I went away carrying off the bracelet and fared homeward.  But when she looked about the room, lo and behold! she espied the one-eyed dog lying in a corner and, as soon as she caught sight of him, she was certified that I had alluded to the beast.  So she buffeted her face and regretted the loss of her bangle and following me she came up and said to me, “O my lord, I have found the one-eyed dog, so do thou return with me and take him; “whereat I had pity upon the woman and restored to her the ornament.  However, when this had befallen me, fear possessed my heart lest she denounce me, and I went away from my village and came to this place where the three of us forgathered and have lived ever since.  When the King had given ear to this story he was cheered and said, “By Allah, verily the adventures of you three are wondrous, but my desire of you is to know if any of you have heard aught of the histories of bygone Sultans; and, if so, let him relate them to me.  First, however, I must take you into the city that you may enjoy your rest.”  “O my lord,” quoth they, “who art thou of the citizens?” and quoth he, “I am the King of this country, and the cause of my coming hither was my design to hunt and chase and the finding you here hath diverted me therefrom.”  But when they heard his words, they forthwith rose to their feet and did him obeisance saying, “Hearing and obeying,” after which the three repaired with him to the city.  Here the King commanded that they set apart for them an apartment and appointed to them rations of meat and drink and invested them with robes of honour; and they remained in company one with other till a certain night of the nights when the Sultan summoned them and they made act of presence between his hands and the season was after the King had prayed the Isha[FN#352] prayers.  So he said to them, “I require that each and every of you who knoweth an history of the Kings of yore shall relate it to me,” whereat said one of the four, “I have by me such a tale.”  Quoth the King, “Then tell it to us;” when the first Larrikin began to relate the

Project Gutenberg
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 14 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.