x. The Sandal-wood Merchant and the Sharpers dciii [603]
y. The Debauchee and the Three-year-old Child dcv [605]
z. The Stolen Purse dcv [605]
135. Jouder and his Brothers dcvi [606]
136. The History of Gherib and his Brother Agib dcxxiv [624]
137. Otbeh and Reyya dclxxx [680]
138. Hind Daughter of En Numan and El Hejjaj dclxxxi [681]
139. Khuzeimeh ben Bishr and Ikrimeh el Feyyaz dclxxxii [682]
140. Younus the Scribe and the Khalif Welid ben Sehl dclxxxiv [684]
141. Haroun er Reshid and the Arab Girl dclxxxv [685]
142. El Asmai and the three Girls of Bassora dclxxxvi [686]
143. Ibrahim of Mosul and the Devil dclxxxvii [687]
144. The Lovers of the Benou Udhreh dclxxxviii [688]
145. The Bedouin and his Wife dcxci [691]
146. The Lovers of Bassora dcxciii [693]
147. Isaac of Mosul and his Mistress and the Devil dcxcv [695]
148. The Lovers of Medina dcxcvi [696]
149. El Melik en Nasir and his Vizier dcxcvii [697]
150. The Rogueries of Delileh the Crafty and her Daughter Zeyneb
the Trickstress dcxcviii [698]
151. The Adventures of Quicksilver Ali of Cairo: a Sequel to the
Rogueries of Delileh the Crafty dccviii [708]
152. Ardeshir and Heyat en Nufous dccxix [719]
153. Julnar of the Sea and her Son King Bedr Basim of Persia dccxxxviii [738]
154. King Mohammed ben Sebaik and the Merchant Hassan dcclvi [756]
a. Story of Prince Seif el Mulouk and the Princess Bediya
el Jemal dcclviii [758]
155. Hassan of Bassora and the King’s Daughter of the Jinn dcclxxviii [778]
156. Khelifeh the Fisherman of Baghdad dcccxxxii [832]
157. Mesrour and Zein el Mewasif dcccxlv [845]
158. Ali Noureddin and the Frank King’s Daughter dccclxiii [863]
159. The Man of Upper Egypt and his Frank Wife dcccxciv [894]
160. The Ruined Man of Baghdad and his Slave girl dcccxcvi [896]
161. King Jelyaad of Hind and his Vizier Shimas: whereafter ensueth
the History of King Wird Khan son of King Jelyaad and his
Women and Viziers dcccxcix [899]