The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 530 pages of information about The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10.

The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 530 pages of information about The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10.
drink, viii.
His lovers’ souls have drawn upon his cheek, iii. 58. 
His mole upon plain of cheek is like, viii. 265. 
His scent was musk and his cheek was rose, i. 203. 
Ho, lovers all! by Allah say me fair and sooth, ii. 309. 
Ho, lovers all! by Allah say me sooth, ii. 320. 
Ho say to men of wisdom, wit and lere, v. 239. 
Ho thou, Abrizah, mercy! leave me not for I, ii. 127. 
Ho, those heedless of Time and his sore despight! vii. 221. 
Ho thou hound who art rotten with foulness in grain, iii. 108. 
Ho thou lion who broughtest thyself to woe, vii. 123. 
Ho thou my letter! when my friend shall see thee, iv. 57. 
Ho thou o’ the tabret, my heart takes flight, viii. 166. 
Ho thou the House!  Grief never home in thee’ viii. 206. 
Ho thou, the house, whose birds were singing gay, v. 57. 
Ho thou who grovellest low before the great, ii. 235. 
Ho thou, who past and bygone risks regardest with uncare! iii.
Ho thou whose heart is melted down by force of Amor’s fire, v.
Ho ye mine eyes let prodigal tears go free, iv. 248. 
Ho ye my friends draw near, for I forthright, viii. 258. 
Hola, thou mansion! woe ne’er enter thee, iv. 140. 
Hold fast thy secret and to none unfold, i.87. 
Hold to nobles, sons of nobles, ii. 2. 
Honour and glory wait on thee each morn, iv. 60. 
Hope not of our favours to make thy prey, viii. 208. 
Houris and high-born Dames who feel no fear of men, v. 148. 
How bitter to friends is a parting, iv. 222. 
How comes it that I fulfilled my vow the while that vow brake
you? iv. 241. 
How dear is our day and how lucky our lot, i. 293. 
How fair is ruth the strong man deigns not smother, i. 103. 
How good is Almond green I view, viii. 270. 
How is this?  Why should the blamer abuse thee in his pride, iii.
How joyously sweet are the nights that unite, v. 61. 
How long, rare beauty! wilt do wrong to me, ii. 63. 
How long shall I thy coyness and thy great aversion see, iv. 242. 
How long shall last, how long this rigour rife of woe, i. 101. 
How long this harshness, this unlove shall bide? i. 78. 
How manifold nights have I passed with my wife, x. 1. 
How many a blooming bough in glee girl’s hand is fain, viii. 166. 
How many a joy by Allah’s will hath fled, i. 150. 
How many a lover with his eyebrows speaketh, i. 122. 
How many a night have I spent in woes ix. 316. 
How many a night I’ve passed with the beloved of me, iv. 252. 
How many boons conceals the Deity, v. 261. 
How many by my labours, that evermore endure, vi. 2. 
How. oft bewailing the place shall be this coming and going,
viii. 242. 
How oft have I fought and how many have slain! vi. 91. 
How oft in the mellay I’ve cleft the array, ii. 109. 
How patient bide, with love in sprite of me, iv. 136. 
How shall he taste of sleep who lacks repose, viii. 49. 
How shall youth cure the care his life undo’th, ii. 320. 
Hunger is sated with a bone-dry scone, iv. 201. 
Hurry not, Prince of Faithful Men! with best of grace thy vow,
vii. 128.

Project Gutenberg
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.