The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 530 pages of information about The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10.

The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 530 pages of information about The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10.
threat, vi. 62.  Fly, fly with thy life if by ill overtaken, ii. 19.  Folk have made moan of passion before me, of past years, viii. 65.  For cup friends cup succeeding cup assign, v. 66.  For eaters a table they brought and set, viii. 208.  For her sins is a pleader that brow, ii. 97.  For joys that are no more I want to weep, iii. 185.  For Layla’s favour dost thou greed? iii. 135.  For loss of lover mine and stress of love I dree, viii. 75.  For not a deed the hand can try, v. 188.  For others these hardships and labours I bear, i. 17.  For your love my patience fails, i. 74.  Forbear, O troubles of the world, i. 39. 
Forgive me, thee-ward sinned I, but the wise, ii. 9. 
Forgive the sin ’neath which my limbs are trembling, iii. 249. 
Fortune had mercy on the soul of me, iii. 135. 
Fortune had ruth upon my plight, viii. 50. 
Four things that meet not, save they here unite, i. 116. 
Four things which ne’er conjoin, unless it be, iii. 237. 
Freest am I of all mankind fro’ meddling wight, ii. 200. 
Fro’ them inhale I scent of Attar of Ban, viii. 242. 
From her hair is night, from her forehead noon, viii. 303. 
From Love stupor awake, O Masrur, ’twere best, viii. 214. 
From that liberal hand on his foes he rains, iv. 97. 
From the plain of his face springs a minaret, viii. 296.  From wine I turn and whoso wine-cups swill, i. 208.  Full many a reverend Shaykh feels sting of flesh, v. 64.  Full many laugh at tears they see me shed, iii. 193.  Full moon if unfreckled would favour thee, iv. 19.  Full moon with sun in single mansion, i. 264.

Gainsay women; he obeyeth Allah best who saith them nay, ix. 282.  Garb of Fakir, renouncement, lowliness, v. 297.  Garth Heaven-watered wherein clusters waved, viii. 266.  Get thee provaunt in this world ere thou wend upon thy way, ii. 139.  Give back mine eyes their sleep long ravished, i. 99.  Give me brunettes, so limber, lissom, lithe of sway, iv. 258.  Give me brunettes; the Syrian spears so limber and so straight, viii. 158.  Give me the Fig sweet-flavoured, beauty clad, viii. 269.  Give thou my message twice, iii. 166.  Gladsome and gay forget shine every grief, i. 57.  Glory to Him who guides the skies, vii. 78.  Gnostic’s heart-homed in the heavenly Garth, v. 264.  Go, gossip! re-wed thee, for Prime draweth near, v. 135.  Go, visit her thou lovest, and regard not, iii. 235, viii. 305.  God make thy glory last in joy of life, viii. 99.  Gone is my strength, told is my tale of days, iii. 55.  Goodly of gifts is she, and charm those perfect eyes, iii. 57. 
Granados of finest skin, like the breasts, viii. 267. 
Grant me the kiss of that left hand ten times, iv. 129. 
Grape bunches likest as they sway, viii. 266. 
Grapes tasting with the taste of wine, viii. 266. 
Grief, cark and care in my heart reside, iv. 19. 
Grow thy weal and thy welfare day by day, i. 204.

Project Gutenberg
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.