The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 530 pages of information about The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10.

The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 530 pages of information about The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10.
By Allah, by th’ Almighty, by his right, vii. 366. 
By Allah, couldst thou but feel my pain, v. 77. 
By Allah, glance of mine, thou hast oppress, vii. 140. 
By Allah, heal, O my lords, the unwhole, viii. 144. 
By Allah, O thou house, if my beloved amorn go by, v. 38. 
By Allah, O tomb, have her beauties ceased, viii. 168. 
By Allah, set thy foot upon my soul, i. 222. 
By Allah, this is th’ only alchemy, x. 40. 
By Allah! while the days endure ne’er shall forget her I, iv.
By Allah, wine shall not disturb me, while this soul of mine, iv.
By craft and sleight I snared him when he came, ii. 44. 
By his cheeks’ unfading damask and his smiling teeth I swear,
viii. 282. 
By his eyelash! tendril curled, by his slender waist I swear,
iii. 217. 
By his eyelids shedding perfume and his fine slim waist I swear,
i. 168. 
By His life who holds my guiding rein, I swear, iv. 2. 
By Love’s right! naught of farness thy slave can estrange, viii.
By means of toil man shall scale the height, vi. 5. 
By rights of you, this heart of mine could ne’er aby, viii. 110. 
By stress of parting, O beloved one, iii. 166. 
By th’ Abyssinian Pond, O day divine! i. 291. 
By the Compassionate, I’m dazed about my case, for lo! vii. 337. 
By the Five Shayks, O Lord, I pray deliver me, iii. 30. 
By the life o’ thy face, O thou life o’ my sprite! viii. 284. 
By what shine eyelids show of kohl and coquetry! ii. 296.

Came a merchant to pay us a visit, viii. 265. 
Came Rayya’s phantom to grieve thy sight, vii. 91. 
Came the writ whose contents a new joy revealed, viii. 222. 
Came to match him in beauty and loveliness rare, viii. 298. 
Came to me care when came the love of thee, vii. 366. 
Came your writ to me in the dead of the night, ix. 2. 
Captured me six all bright with youthful blee, iv. 260. 
Carry the trust of him whom death awaits, v. 114. 
Cease then to blame me, for thy blame cloth anger bring, x. 39. 
Cease ye this farness; ’bate this pride of you, iv. 136. 
Chide not the mourner for bemourning woe, iii. 291. 
Choice rose that gladdens heart to see her sight, viii. 275. 
Clear’s the wine, the cup’s fine, i. 349. 
Cleave fast to her thou lovest and let the envious rail amain,
iv. 198. 
Close press appear to him who views th’ inside, viii. 267. 
Clove through the shades and came to me in night so dark and
sore, vii. 138. 
Come back and so will I! i. 63. 
Come with us, friend, and enter thou, viii. 267. 
Confide thy case to Him, the Lord who made mankind, i. 68. 
Consider but thy Lord, His work shall bring, viii. 20. 
Consider thou, O man, what these places to thee showed, vi. 112. 
Console thy lover, fear no consequence, v. 74. 
Consort not with the Cyclops e’en a day, iv. 194. 
Containeth time a twain of days, i. 25. 
Converse with men hath scanty weal except, iv. 188. 
Count not that I your promises forgot, iii. 238. 
Cut short this strangeness, leave unruth of you, v. 245. 
Culvers of Liwa! to your nests return vii. 115.

Project Gutenberg
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 10 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.