The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 06 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 306 pages of information about The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 06.

The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 06 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 306 pages of information about The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 06.
he caught sight of a fine house and a well cared for hard by, surmounted by a lofty belvedere, over looking the whole of Baghdad, in which sat a damsel fair as a Houri.  Her beauty took possession of his whole heart and made away with his reason, bequeathing to him the pains and patience of Job and the grief and weeping of Jacob.  And as he looked at her and considered her curiously, an object to enamour an ascetic and make a devotee lovesick, fire was lighted in his vitals and he cried, “Folk say that whoso taketh up his abode in this house dieth or sickeneth.  An this be so, yon damsel is assuredly the cause.  Would Heaven I knew how I shall win free of this affair, for my wits are clean gone!” Then he descended from the terrace, pondering his case, and sat down in the house, but being unable to rest, he went out and took his seat at the door, absorbed in melancholy thought when, behold, up came the old woman afoot, praising and magnifying Allah as she went.  When he saw her, he rose and accosting her with a courteous salaam and wishes for her life being prolonged said to her, “O my mother, I was healthy and hearty till thou madest mention to me of the door leading to the belvedere; so I opened it and ascending to the top Of the house, saw thence what stole away my senses; and now methinks I am a lost man, and I know no physician for me but thyself.”  When she heard this, she laughed and said, “No harm shall befall thee Inshallah so Allah please!” Whereupon he rose and went into the house and coming back with an hundred dinars in his sleeve, said to her, “Take this, O my mother, and deal with me the dealing of lords with slaves and succour me quickly for, if I die, a claim for my blood will meet thee on the Day of Doom.”  Answered she, “With love and gladness; but, O my son, I expect thou lend me thine aid in some small matter, whereby hangs the winning of thy wish.”  Quoth he, “What wouldst thou have me do, O my mother?” Quoth she, “Go to the silk market and enquire for the shop of Abu al-Fath bin Kaydam.  Sit thee down on his counter and salute him and say to him, ’Give me the face veil[FN#228] thou hast by thee orfrayed with gold:’  for he hath none handsomer in his shop.  Then buy it of him, O my son, at his own price however high and keep it till I come to thee to morrow, Allah Almighty willing.”  So saying, she went away and he passed the night upon live coals of the Ghaza[FN#229]-wood.  Next morning he took a thousand ducats in his pocket and repairing to the silk market, sought out the shop of Abu al-Fath to whom he was directed by one of the merchants.  He found him a man of dignified aspect, surrounded by pages, eunuchs and attendants; for he was a merchant of great wealth and consideration befriended by the Caliph; and of the blessings which Allah the Most High had bestowed upon him was the damsel who had ravished the young man’s heart.  She was his wife and had not her match for beauty, nor was her like to be found with any of the sons of the Kings. 
Project Gutenberg
The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night — Volume 06 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.