The Man of Letters as a Man of Business eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 45 pages of information about The Man of Letters as a Man of Business.

The Man of Letters as a Man of Business eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 45 pages of information about The Man of Letters as a Man of Business.

    Artist has seasons, as trees, when he cannot blossom
    Book that they are content to know at second hand
    Business to take advantage of his necessity
    Competition has deformed human nature
    Conditions of hucksters imposed upon poets
    Fate of a book is in the hands of the women
    God of chance leads them into temptation and adversity
    Historian, who is a kind of inferior realist
    I do not think any man ought to live by an art
    If he has not enjoyed writing no one will enjoy reading
    Impropriety if not indecency promises literary success
    Literature beautiful only through the intelligence
    Literature has no objective value
    Literature is Business as well as Art
    Man is strange to himself as long as he lives
    Men read the newspapers, but our women read the books
    More zeal than knowledge in it
    Most journalists would have been literary men if they could
    Never quite sure of life unless I find literature in it
    No man ought to live by any art
    No rose blooms right along
    Our huckstering civilization
    Public whose taste is so crude that they cannot enjoy the best
    Results of art should be free to all
    Reward is in the serial and not in the book—­19th Century
    Rogues in every walk of life
    There is small love of pure literature
    Two branches of the novelist’s trade:  Novelist and Historian
    Warner’s Backlog Studies
    Work not truly priced in money cannot be truly paid in money

Project Gutenberg
The Man of Letters as a Man of Business from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.