Affected absence of mind
Affectional habit
All the loveliness that exists
outside of you, dearest is little
All luckiest or the unluckiest,
the healthiest or the sickest
Americans are hungrier for
royalty than anybody else
Amusing world, if you do not
refuse to be amused
Anticipative homesickness
Anticipative reprisal
Any sort of stuff was good
enough to make a preacher out of
Appearance made him doubt
their ability to pay so much
Artists never do anything
like other people
As much of his story as he
meant to tell without prompting
At heart every man is a smuggler
Bad wars, or what are comically
called good wars
Ballast of her instinctive
Be good, sweet man, and let
who will be clever
Beautiful with the radiance
of loving and being loved
Bewildering labyrinth of error
Biggest place is always the
kindest as well as the cruelest
Brag of his wife, as a good
husband always does
Brown-stone fronts
But when we make that money
here, no one loses it
Buttoned about him as if it
concealed a bad conscience
Calm of those who have logic
on their side
Civilly protested and consented
Clinging persistence of such
Coldly and inaccessibly vigilant
Collective silence which passes
for sociality
Comfort of the critical attitude
Conscience weakens to the
need that isn’t
Considerable comfort in holding
him accountable
Courage hadn’t been
put to the test
Deadly summer day
Death is peace and pardon
Death is an exile that no
remorse and no love can reach
Decided not to let the facts
betray themselves by chance
Declare that they had nothing
to declare
Despair which any perfection
Did not idealize him, but
in the highest effect she realized him
Dinner unites the idea of
pleasure and duty
Disingenuous, hypocritical
passion of love
Dividend: It’s
a chicken before it’s hatched
Does any one deserve happiness
Does anything from without
change us?
Dog that had plainly made
up his mind to go mad
Effort to get on common ground
with an inferior
Europe, where society has
them, as it were, in a translation
Evil which will not let a
man forgive his victim
Explained perhaps too fully
Extract what consolation lurks
in the irreparable
Family buryin’ grounds
Favorite stock of his go up
and go down under the betting
Feeblest-minded are sure to
lead the talk
Feeling rather ashamed,—for
he had laughed too
Feeling of contempt for his
unambitious destination
Flavors not very sharply distinguished
from one another
Fundamentally incapable of
taking anything seriously
Futility of travel
Gayety, which lasted beyond