Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1746-47 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 60 pages of information about Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1746-47.

Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1746-47 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 60 pages of information about Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1746-47.
propos’ of letter-writing, the best models that you can form yourself upon are, Cicero, Cardinal d’Ossat, Madame Sevigne, and Comte Bussy Rebutin.  Cicero’s Epistles to Atticus, and to his familiar friends, are the best examples that you can imitate, in the friendly and the familiar style.  The simplicity and the clearness of Cardinal d’Ossat’s letters show how letters of business ought to be written; no affected turns, no attempts at wit, obscure or perplex his matter; which is always plainly and clearly stated, as business always should be.  For gay and amusing letters, for ‘enjouement and badinage,’ there are none that equal Comte Bussy’s and Madame Sevigne’s.  They are so natural, that they seem to be the extempore conversations of two people of wit, rather, than letters which are commonly studied, though they ought not to be so.  I would advise you to let that book be one in your itinerant library; it will both amuse and inform you.

I have not time to add any more now; so good night.


London, July 30, O. S. 1747

Dear boy:  It is now four posts since I have received any letter, either from you or from Mr. Harte.  I impute this to the rapidity of your travels through Switzerland; which I suppose are by this time finished.

You will have found by my late letters, both to you and Mr. Harte, that you are to be at Leipsig by next Michaelmas; where you will be lodged in the house of Professor Mascow, and boarded in the neighborhood of it, with some young men of fashion.  The professor will read you lectures upon ‘Grotius de Jure Belli et Pacis,’ the ‘Institutes of Justinian’ and the ‘Jus Publicum Imperii;’ which I expect that you shall not only hear, but attend to, and retain.  I also expect that you make yourself perfectly master of the German language; which you may very soon do there, if you please.  I give you fair warning, that at Leipsig I shall have an hundred invisible spies about you; and shall be exactly informed of everything that you do, and of almost everything that you say.  I hope that, in consequence of those minute informations, I may be able to say of you, what Velleius Paterculus says of Scipio; that in his whole life, ’nihil non laudandum aut dixit, aut fecit, aut sensit.’  There is a great deal of good company in Leipsig, which I would have you frequent in the evenings, when the studies of the day are over.  There is likewise a kind of court kept there, by a Duchess Dowager of Courland; at which you should get introduced.  The King of Poland and his Court go likewise to the fair at Leipsig twice a year; and I shall write to Sir Charles Williams, the king’s minister there, to have you presented, and introduced into good company.  But I must remind you, at the same time, that it will be to a very little purpose for you to frequent good company, if you do not conform to, and learn their manners; if you are not attentive to please, and well

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Letters to His Son on the Art of Becoming a Man of the World and a Gentleman, 1746-47 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.