with profundity of learning, and with a wealth of applied
philosophy. Crude thinkers in the United States,
and moreover honest and intelligent men who are not
crude thinkers, but who are oppressed by the sight
of the misery around them and have not deeply studied
what has been done elsewhere, are very apt to adopt
as their own the theories of European Marxian Socialists
of half a century ago, ignorant that the course of
events has so completely falsified the prophecies contained
in these theories that they have been abandoned even
by the authors themselves. With quiet humor Professor
Simkhovitch now and then makes an allusion which shows
that he appreciates to perfection this rather curious
quality of some of our fellow countrymen; as for example
when he says that “A Socialist State with the
farmer outside of it is a conception that can rest
comfortably only in the head of an American Socialist,”
or as when he speaks of Marx and Engels as men “to
whom thinking was not an irrelevant foreign tradition.”
Too many thoroughly well-meaning men and women in
the America of to-day glibly repeat and accept—much
as medieval schoolmen repeated and accepted authorized
dogma in their day—various assumptions and
speculations by Marx and others which by the lapse
of time and by actual experiment have been shown to
possess not one shred of value. Professor Simkhovitch
possesses the gift of condensation as well as the
gift of clear and logical statement, and it is not
possible to give in brief any idea of his admirable
work. Every social reformer who desires to face
facts should study it—just as social reformers
should study John Graham Brooks’s “American
Syndicalism.” From Professor Simkhovitch’s
book we Americans should learn: First, to discard
crude thinking; second, to realize that the orthodox
or so-called scientific or purely economic or materialistic
socialism of the type preached by Marx is an exploded
theory; and, third, that many of the men who call
themselves Socialists to-day are in reality merely
radical social reformers, with whom on many points
good citizens can and ought to work in hearty general
agreement, and whom in many practical matters of government
good citizens well afford to follow.
No nation can claim rights without acknowledging the
duties that go with the rights. It is a contemptible
thing for a great nation to render itself impotent
in international action, whether because of cowardice
or sloth, or sheer inability or unwillingness to look
into the future. It is a very wicked thing for
a nation to do wrong to others. But the most
contemptible and most wicked course of conduct is for
a nation to use offensive language or be guilty of
offensive actions toward other people and yet fail
to hold its own if the other nation retaliates; and
it is almost as bad to undertake responsibilities
and then not fulfil them. During the seven and