The Valley of Fear eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about The Valley of Fear.

The Valley of Fear eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 221 pages of information about The Valley of Fear.

“They chose us because neither I nor the boy here drink,” Lawler explained.  “They can count on us saying no more than we should.  You must not take it amiss, but it is the orders of the County Delegate that we obey.”

“Sure, we are all in it together,” said Scanlan, McMurdo’s mate, as the four sat together at supper.

“That’s true enough, and we’ll talk till the cows come home of the killing of Charlie Williams or of Simon Bird, or any other job in the past.  But till the work is done we say nothing.”

“There are half a dozen about here that I have a word to say to,” said McMurdo, with an oath.  “I suppose it isn’t Jack Knox of Ironhill that you are after.  I’d go some way to see him get his deserts.”

“No, it’s not him yet.”

“Or Herman Strauss?”

“No, nor him either.”

“Well, if you won’t tell us we can’t make you; but I’d be glad to know.”

Lawler smiled and shook his head.  He was not to be drawn.

In spite of the reticence of their guests, Scanlan and McMurdo were quite determined to be present at what they called “the fun.”  When, therefore, at an early hour one morning McMurdo heard them creeping down the stairs he awakened Scanlan, and the two hurried on their clothes.  When they were dressed they found that the others had stolen out, leaving the door open behind them.  It was not yet dawn, and by the light of the lamps they could see the two men some distance down the street.  They followed them warily, treading noiselessly in the deep snow.

The boarding house was near the edge of the town, and soon they were at the crossroads which is beyond its boundary.  Here three men were waiting, with whom Lawler and Andrews held a short, eager conversation.  Then they all moved on together.  It was clearly some notable job which needed numbers.  At this point there are several trails which lead to various mines.  The strangers took that which led to the Crow Hill, a huge business which was in strong hands which had been able, thanks to their energetic and fearless New England manager, Josiah H. Dunn, to keep some order and discipline during the long reign of terror.

Day was breaking now, and a line of workmen were slowly making their way, singly and in groups, along the blackened path.

McMurdo and Scanlan strolled on with the others, keeping in sight of the men whom they followed.  A thick mist lay over them, and from the heart of it there came the sudden scream of a steam whistle.  It was the ten-minute signal before the cages descended and the day’s labour began.

When they reached the open space round the mine shaft there were a hundred miners waiting, stamping their feet and blowing on their fingers; for it was bitterly cold.  The strangers stood in a little group under the shadow of the engine house.  Scanlan and McMurdo climbed a heap of slag from which the whole scene lay before them.  They saw the mine engineer, a great bearded Scotchman named Menzies, come out of the engine house and blow his whistle for the cages to be lowered.

Project Gutenberg
The Valley of Fear from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.