Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 6,432 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works.

Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 6,432 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works.

     A knock on the door.

Winsor.  Hallo!

     Treisure opens the door, and generalCanynge enters.

Oh!  It’s you, General.  Come in.  Adela’s told you?

General Canynge nods.  He is a slim man of about sixty, very well preserved, intensely neat and self-contained, and still in evening dress.  His eyelids droop slightly, but his eyes are keen and his expression astute.

Winsor.  Well, General, what’s the first move?

Canynge. [Lifting his eyebrows] Mr De Levis presses the matter?

De Levis. [Flicked again] Unless you think it’s too plebeian of me,
General Canynge—­a thousand pounds.

Canynge. [Drily] Just so!  Then we must wait for the police, Winsor.  Lady Adela has got through to them.  What height are these rooms from the ground, Treisure?

Treisure.  Twenty-three feet from the terrace, sir.

Canynge.  Any ladders near?

Treisure.  One in the stables, Sir, very heavy.  No others within three hundred yards.

Canynge.  Just slip down, and see whether that’s been moved.

Treisure.  Very good, General. [He goes out.]

De Levis. [Uneasily] Of course, he—­I suppose you—­

Winsor.  We do.

Canynge.  You had better leave this in our hands, De Levis.

De Levis.  Certainly; only, the way he—­

Winsor. [Curtly] Treisure has been here since he was a boy.  I should as soon suspect myself.

De Levis. [Looking from one to the other—­with sudden anger] You seem to think—!  What was I to do?  Take it lying down and let whoever it is get clear off?  I suppose it’s natural to want my money back?

     Canynge looks at his nails; Winsor out of the window.

Winsor. [Turning] Of course, De Levis!

De Levis. [Sullenly] Well, I’ll go to my room.  When the police come, perhaps you’ll let me know.  He goes out.

Winsor.  Phew!  Did you ever see such a dressing-gown?

     The door is opened.  Lady Adela and Margaret Orme come in.  The
     latter is a vivid young lady of about twenty-five in a vivid
     wrapper; she is smoking a cigarette.

Lady A. I’ve told the Dancys—­she was in bed.  And I got through to Newmarket, Charles, and Inspector Dede is coming like the wind on a motor cycle.

Margaret.  Did he say “like the wind,” Adela?  He must have imagination.  Isn’t this gorgeous?  Poor little Ferdy!

Winsor. [Vexed] You might take it seriously, Margaret; it’s pretty beastly for us all.  What time did you come up?

Margaret.  I came up with Adela.  Am I suspected, Charles?  How thrilling!

Project Gutenberg
Complete Project Gutenberg John Galsworthy Works from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.