Mrs. Barthwick. Perhaps you’ll say the man’s employer was wrong in dismissing him?
Barthwick. Of course not. It’s not there that I feel doubt. What I ask myself is——
Jack. Port, please, Dad.
Barthwick. [Circulating the decanter in religious imitation of the rising and setting of the sun.] I ask myself whether we are sufficiently careful in making inquiries about people before we engage them, especially as regards moral conduct.
Jack. Pass the-port, please, Mother!
Mrs. Barthwick. [Passing it.] My dear boy, are n’t you drinking too much?
[Jack fills his glass.]
Marlow. [Entering.] Detective Snow to see you, Sir.
Barthwick. [Uneasily.] Ah! say I’ll be with him in a minute.
Mrs. Barthwick. [Without turning.] Let him come in here, Marlow.
[Snow enters in an overcoat, his bowler hat in hand.]
Barthwick. [Half-rising.] Oh! Good evening!
Snow. Good evening, sir; good evening, ma’am. I ’ve called round to report what I ’ve done, rather late, I ’m afraid—another case took me away. [He takes the silver box out o f his pocket, causing a sensation in the Barthwick family.] This is the identical article, I believe.
Barthwick. Certainly, certainly.
Snow. Havin’ your crest and cypher, as you described to me, sir, I ’d no hesitation in the matter.
Barthwick. Excellent. Will you have a glass of [he glances at the waning port]—er—sherry-[pours out sherry]. Jack, just give Mr. Snow this.
[Jack rises and
gives the glass to snow; then, lolling in his
chair, regards him indolently.]
Snow. [Drinking off wine and putting down the glass.] After seeing you I went round to this woman’s lodgings, sir. It’s a low neighborhood, and I thought it as well to place a constable below —and not without ’e was wanted, as things turned out.
Barthwick. Indeed!
Snow. Yes, Sir, I ’ad some trouble. I asked her to account for the presence of the article. She could give me no answer, except to deny the theft; so I took her into custody; then her husband came for me, so I was obliged to take him, too, for assault. He was very violent on the way to the station—very violent—threatened you and your son, and altogether he was a handful, I can till you.
Mrs. Barthwick. What a ruffian he must be!
Snow. Yes, ma’am, a rough customer.
Jack. [Sipping his mine, bemused.] Punch the beggar’s head.
Snow. Given to drink, as I understand, sir.
Mrs. Barthwick. It’s to be hoped he will get a severe punishment.