Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,188 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works.

Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,188 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works.

What does he believe?  In the first place, there is some deep-rooted disquiet lying at the bottom of his soul, which makes him very bitter against all kinds of usurpation over the right of private judgment.  Over this seems to lie a certain tenderness for humanity in general, bred out of life-long trial, I should say, but sharply streaked with fiery lines of wrath at various individual acts of wrong, especially if they come in an ecclesiastical shape, and recall to him the days when his mother’s great-grandmother was strangled on Witch Hill, with a text from the Old Testament for her halter.  With all this, he has a boundless belief in the future of this experimental hemisphere, and especially in the destiny of the free thought of its northeastern metropolis.

—­A man can see further, Sir,—­he said one day,—­from the top of Boston State House, and see more that is worth seeing, than from all the pyramids and turrets and steeples in all the places in the world!  No smoke, Sir; no fog, Sir; and a clean sweep from the Outer Light and the sea beyond it to the New Hampshire mountains!  Yes, Sir,—­and there are great truths that are higher than mountains and broader than seas, that people are looking for from the tops of these hills of ours;—­such as the world never saw, though it might have seen them at Jerusalem, if its eyes had been open!—­Where do they have most crazy people?  Tell me that, Sir!

I answered, that I had heard it said there were more in New England than in most countries, perhaps more than in any part of the world.

Very good, Sir,—­he answered.—­When have there been most people killed and wounded in the course of this century?

During the wars of the French Empire, no doubt,—­I said.

That’s it! that’s it!—­said the Little Gentleman;—­where the battle of intelligence is fought, there are most minds bruised and broken!  We’re battling for a faith here, Sir.

The divinity-student remarked, that it was rather late in the world’s history for men to be looking out for a new faith.

I did n’t say a new faith,—­said the Little Gentleman;—­old or new, it can’t help being different here in this American mind of ours from anything that ever was before; the people are new, Sir, and that makes the difference.  One load of corn goes to the sty, and makes the fat of swine,—­another goes to the farm-house, and becomes the muscle that clothes the right arms of heroes.  It is n’t where a pawn stands on the board that makes the difference, but what the game round it is when it is on this or that square.

Can any man look round and see what Christian countries are now doing, and how they are governed, and what is the general condition of society, without seeing that Christianity is the flag under which the world sails, and not the rudder that steers its course?  No, Sir!  There was a great raft built about two thousand years ago,—­call it an ark, rather,—­the world’s great ark! big

Project Gutenberg
Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.