London, England.:
Tower Stairs, 63;
readers, 194;
sights, 221;
travellers, 308;
wrath, 385.
(See England, etc.)
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth:
allusions, 31, 33;
Saturday Club, 222, 223;
burial, 346.
Lord, Nathan, President of Dartmouth College, 132.
Lord’s Supper, Emerson’s doubts, 57-61.
Lothrop & Co., publishers, 83.
Louisville, Ky., Dr. Clarke’s residence, 78-80.
Lounsbury, Professor, Chaucer letter, 205.
in America, 143;
the Arch Abolitionist, 306.
(See Emerson’s Poems.)
Lowell, Charles:
minister of the West Church,
11, 12, 52;
on Kirkland, 27.
Lowell, F.C., generosity, 276.
Lowell, James Russell:
an allusion, 33;
on The American Scholar, 107;
editorship, 221;
club, 223;
on the Burns speech, 225;
on Emerson’s bearing,
360, 361;
Hawthorne biography, 368;
on lectures, 379.
Lowell, Mass., factories, 44.
Luther, Martin:
lecture, 73;
his conservatism, 298;
times mentioned, 382.
Lyceum, the:
a pulpit, 88;
New England, 192;
a sacrifice, 378.
(See Lecturing, Emerson’s
Lectures, etc.)
Lycurgus, 306. (See Greece.)
Mackintosh, Sir James, an allusion, 16.
Macmillan’s Magazine, 414.
Malden, Mass.:
Joseph Emerson’s ministry,
diary, 17.
a fable about, 109, 110;
faith in, 122;
apostrophe, 140.
Manchester, Eng.:
visit, 194, 195;
banquet, 220.
(See England, etc.)
Marlowe, Christopher, expressions, 404.
Marvell, Andrew:
reading by C.C. Emerson,
on the Dutch, 217;
verse, 338.
Mary, Queen, her martyrs, 418.
Massachusetts Historical Society:
tribute to C.C. Emerson,
quality of its literature,
on Carlyle, 294.
Massachusetts Quarterly Review, 193, 302,
307, 411.
Materialism, 146, 391.
(See Religion.)
Mather, Cotton:
his Magnalia, 5-7;
on Concord discord, 57;
on New England Melancholy,
a borrower, 381.
Mathew, Father, disciples, 368.
Mayhew, Jonathan, Boston minister, 51.
Melioration, a characteristic expression, 405.
Mendon, Mass., Joseph Emerson’s ministry, 4.
Mephistopheles, Goethe’s creation, 208.
Merrimac River, 71.
Metaphysics, indifference to, 249.
Methodism, in Boston, 56.
(See Father Taylor.)