Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,188 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works.

Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 4,188 pages of information about Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works.

The young man’s countenance brightened.  He had not expected to find so much taste for elegant literature in an old village deacon.

“What are your favorites among his writings, Deacon?  I suppose you have your particular likings, as the rest of us have.”

The Deacon was flattered by the question.  “Well,” he answered, “I can hardly tell you.  I like pretty much everything Scott ever wrote.  Sometimes I think it is one thing, and sometimes another.  Great on Paul’s Epistles,—­don’t you think so?”

The honest fact was, that Clement remembered very little about “Paul’s Letters to his Kinsfolk,”—­a book of Sir Walter’s less famous than many of his others; but he signified his polite assent to the Deacon’s statement, rather wondering at his choice of a favorite, and smiling at his queer way of talking about the Letters as Epistles.

“I am afraid Scott is not so much read now-a-days as he once was, and as he ought to be,” said Mr. Clement:  “Such character, such nature and so much grace.”

“That’s it,—­that’s it, young man,” the Deacon broke in,—­“Natur’ and Grace,—­Natur’ and Grace.  Nobody ever knew better what those two words meant than Scott did, and I’m very glad to see—­you’ve chosen such good wholesome reading.  You can’t set up too late, young man, to read Scott.  If I had twenty children, they should all begin reading Scott as soon as they were old enough to spell sin,—­and that’s the first word my little ones learned, next to ‘pa’ and I ‘ma.’  Nothing like beginning the lessons of life in good season.”

“What a grim old satirist!” Clement said to himself.  “I wonder if the old man reads other novelists.—­Do tell me, Deacon, if you have read Thackeray’s last story? "

“Thackeray’s story?  Published by the American Tract Society?”

“Not exactly,” Clement answered, smiling, and quite delighted to find such an unexpected vein of grave pleasantry about the demure-looking church-dignitary; for the Deacon asked his question without moving a muscle, and took no cognizance whatever of the young man’s tone and smile.  First-class humorists are, as is well known, remarkable for the immovable solemnity of their features.  Clement promised himself not a little amusement from the curiously sedate drollery of the venerable Deacon, who, it was plain from his conversation, had cultivated a literary taste which would make him a more agreeable companion than the common ecclesiastics of his grade in country villages.

After breakfast, Mr. Clement walked forth in the direction of Mrs. Hopkins’s house, thinking as he went of the pleasant surprise his visit would bring to his longing and doubtless pensive Susan; for though she knew he was coming, she did not know that he was at that moment in Oxbow Village.

As he drew near the house, the first thing he saw was Susan Posey, almost running against her just as he turned a corner.  She looked wonderfully lively and rosy, for the weather was getting keen and the frosts had begun to bite.  A young gentleman was walking at her side, and reading to her from a paper he held in his hand.  Both looked deeply interested,—­so much so that Clement felt half ashamed of himself for intruding upon them so abruptly.

Project Gutenberg
Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.