The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories.

The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 461 pages of information about The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories.

After harvesting a good deal of very pleasant coaxing and petting and persuading, I forgave her and she was happy again, and by-and-by she got under way with her narrative once more.  I presently discovered that the family treasury contained still another feature—­a jewel of some sort, apparently—­and that she was trying to get around speaking squarely about it, lest I get paralysed again.  But I wanted to known about that thing, too, and urged her to tell me what it was.  She was afraid.  But I insisted, and said I would brace myself this time and be prepared, then the shock would not hurt me.  She was full of misgivings, but the temptation to reveal that marvel to me and enjoy my astonishment and admiration was too strong for her, and she confessed that she had it on her person, and said that if I was sure I was prepared—­and so on and so on—­and with that she reached into her bosom and brought out a battered square of brass, watching my eye anxiously the while.  I fell over against her in a quite well-acted faint, which delighted her heart and nearly frightened it out of her, too, at the same time.  When I came to and got calm, she was eager to know what I thought of her jewel.

’What do I think of it?  I think it is the most exquisite thing I ever saw.’

’Do you really?  How nice of you to say that!  But it is a love, now isn’t it?’

‘Well, I should say so!  I’d rather own it than the equator.’

‘I thought you would admire it,’ she said.  ’I think it is so lovely.  And there isn’t another one in all these latitudes.  People have come all the way from the open Polar Sea to look at it.  Did you ever see one before?’

I said no, this was the first one I had ever seen.  It cost me a pang to tell that generous lie, for I had seen a million of them in my time, this humble jewel of hers being nothing but a battered old New York Central baggage check.

‘Land!’ said I, ’you don’t go about with it on your person this way, alone and with no protection, not even a dog?’

‘Ssh! not so loud,’ she said.  ’Nobody knows I carry it with me.  They think it is in papa’s treasury.  That is where it generally is.’

‘Where is the treasury?’

It was a blunt question, and for a moment she looked startled and a little suspicious, but I said: 

’Oh, come, don’t you be afraid about me.  At home we have seventy millions of people, and although I say it myself that shouldn’t, there is not one person among them all but would trust me with untold fish-hooks.’

This reassured her, and she told me where the hooks were hidden in the house.  Then she wandered from her course to brag a little about the size of the sheets of transparent ice that formed the windows of the mansion, and asked me if I had ever seen their like at home, and I came right out frankly and confessed that I hadn’t, which pleased her more than she could find words to dress her gratification in.  It was so easy to please her, and such a pleasure to do it, that I went on and said—­

Project Gutenberg
The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg and Other Stories from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.