There are of knowledge two kinds; whereof one is Knowledge Of Fact: the other Knowledge Of The Consequence Of One Affirmation To Another. The former is nothing else, but Sense and Memory, and is Absolute Knowledge; as when we see a Fact doing, or remember it done: And this is the Knowledge required in a Witnesse. The later is called Science; and is Conditionall; as when we know, that, If The Figure Showne Be A Circle, Then Any Straight Line Through The Centre Shall Divide It Into Two Equall Parts. And this is the Knowledge required in a Philosopher; that is to say, of him that pretends to Reasoning.
The Register of Knowledge Of Fact is called History. Whereof there be two sorts: one called Naturall History; which is the History of such Facts, or Effects of Nature, as have no Dependance on Mans Will; Such as are the Histories of Metals, Plants, Animals, Regions, and the like. The other, is Civill History; which is the History of the Voluntary Actions of men in Common-wealths.
The Registers of Science, are such Books as contain the Demonstrations of Consequences of one Affirmation, to another; and are commonly called Books of Philosophy; whereof the sorts are many, according to the diversity of the Matter; And may be divided in such manner as I have divided them in the following Table.
I. Science, that is, Knowledge of Consequences; which
is called
also philosophy
A. Consequences from Accidents
of Bodies Naturall; which is
called naturall philosophy
1. Consequences from
the Accidents common to all Bodies Naturall;
which are Quantity, and Motion.
a. Consequences from
Quantity, and Motion Indeterminate;
which, being the Principles or first
foundation of
Philosophy, is called Philosophia Prima
Philosophia prima
b. Consequences from Motion, and Quantity Determined
1) Consequences from Quantity, and Motion Determined
a) By Figure, By Number
1] Mathematiques,
2) Consequences from
the Motion, and Quantity of Bodies in
a) Consequences from
the Motion, and Quantity of the
great parts of the World, as the
Earth and Stars,
1] Cosmography
b) Consequences from
the Motion of Speciall kinds, and
Figures of Body,
1] Mechaniques, Doctrine of Weight
Science of
2. Physiques, or Consequences from Qualities
a. Consequences from
the Qualities of Bodies Transient, such
as sometimes appear, sometimes vanish
b. Consequences from