of God was come hee would doe no more; and withall
told them, that one of them was to betray him:
Hereupon they questioned, which of them it should be;
and withall (seeing the next Passeover their Master
would celebrate should be when he was King) entred
into a contention, who should then be the greater
man. Our Saviour therefore told them, that the
Kings of the Nations had Dominion over their Subjects,
and are called by a name (in Hebrew) that signifies
Bountifull; but I cannot be so to you, you must endeavour
to serve one another; I ordain you a Kingdome, but
it is such as my Father hath ordained mee; a Kingdome
that I am now to purchase with my blood, and not to
possesse till my second coming; then yee shall eat
and drink at my Table, and sit on Thrones, judging
the twelve Tribes of Israel: And then addressing
himself to St. Peter, he saith, Simon, Simon, Satan
seeks by suggesting a present domination, to weaken
your faith of the future; but I have prayed for thee,
that thy faith shall not fail; Thou therefore (Note
this,) being converted, and understanding my Kingdome
as of another world, confirm the same faith in thy
Brethren: To which S. Peter answered (as one
that no more expected any authority in this world)
“Lord I am ready to goe with thee, not onely
to Prison, but to Death.” Whereby it is
manifest, S. Peter had not onely no jurisdiction given
him in this world, but a charge to teach all the other
Apostles, that they also should have none. And
for the Infallibility of St. Peters sentence definitive
in matter of Faith, there is no more to be attributed
to it out of this Text, than that Peter should continue
in the beleef of this point, namely, that Christ should
come again, and possesse the Kingdome at the day of
Judgement; which was not given by the Text to all
his Successors; for wee see they claim it in the World
that now is.
The second place is that of Matth. 16. “Thou
art Peter, and upon this rocke I will build my Church,
and the gates of Hell shall not prevail against it.”
By which (as I have already shewn in this chapter)
is proved no more, than that the gates of Hell shall
not prevail against the confession of Peter, which
gave occasion to that speech; namely this, That Jesus
Is Christ The Sonne Of God.
The third text is John 21. ver. 16,17. “Feed
my sheep;” which contains no more but a Commission
of Teaching: And if we grant the rest of the
Apostles to be contained in that name of Sheep; then
it is the supreme Power of Teaching: but it was
onely for the time that there were no Christian Soveraigns
already possessed of that Supremacy. But I have
already proved, that Christian Soveraignes are in their
owne Dominions the supreme Pastors, and instituted
thereto, by vertue of their being Baptized, though
without other Imposition of Hands. For such imposition
being a Ceremony of designing the person, is needlesse,
when hee is already designed to the Power of Teaching
what Doctrine he will, by his institution to an Absolute