Leviathan eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 732 pages of information about Leviathan.

Leviathan eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 732 pages of information about Leviathan.

Panique Terrour Feare, without the apprehension of why, or what, Panique terror; called so from the fables that make Pan the author of them; whereas in truth there is always in him that so feareth, first, some apprehension of the cause, though the rest run away by example; every one supposing his fellow to know why.  And therefore this Passion happens to none but in a throng, or multitude of people.

Joy, from apprehension of novelty, admiration; proper to man,
because it excites the appetite of knowing the cause.

Glory Vaine-glory Joy, arising from imagination of a man’s own power and ability, is that exultation of the mind which is called glorying:  which, if grounded upon the experience of his own former actions, is the same with Confidence:  but if grounded on the flattery of others, or onely supposed by himselfe, for delight in the consequences of it, is called vaine-glory:  which name is properly given; because a well-grounded Confidence begetteth attempt; whereas the supposing of power does not, and is therefore rightly called Vaine.

Griefe, from opinion of want of power, is called dejection of mind.

The Vaine-glory which consisteth in the feigning or supposing of abilities in ourselves, which we know are not, is most incident to young men, and nourished by the Histories or Fictions of Gallant Persons; and is corrected often times by Age, and Employment.

Sudden Glory Laughter Sudden glory, is the passion which maketh those Grimaces called Laughter; and is caused either by some sudden act of their own, that pleaseth them; or by the apprehension of some deformed thing in another, by comparison whereof they suddenly applaud themselves.  And it is incident most to them, that are conscious of the fewest abilities in themselves; who are forced to keep themselves in their own favour, by observing the imperfections of other men.  And therefore much Laughter at the defects of others is a signe of Pusillanimity.  For of great minds, one of the proper workes is, to help and free others from scorn; and compare themselves onely with the most able.

Sudden Dejection Weeping On the contrary, Sudden Dejection is the passion that causeth weeping; and is caused by such accidents, as suddenly take away some vehement hope, or some prop of their power:  and they are most subject to it, that rely principally on helps externall, such as are Women, and Children.  Therefore, some Weep for the loss of Friends; Others for their unkindnesse; others for the sudden stop made to their thoughts of revenge, by Reconciliation.  But in all cases, both Laughter and Weeping, are sudden motions; Custome taking them both away.  For no man Laughs at old jests; or Weeps for an old calamity.

Shame Blushing Griefe, for the discovery of some defect of ability is shame, or the passion that discovereth itself in blushing; and consisteth in the apprehension of some thing dishonourable; and in young men, is a signe of the love of good reputation; and commendable:  in old men it is a signe of the same; but because it comes too late, not commendable.

Project Gutenberg
Leviathan from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.