soever any work be, the Admiration consisteth not
in that it could be done, because men naturally beleeve
the Almighty can doe all things, but because he does
it at the Prayer, or Word of a man. But the
works of God in Egypt, by the hand of Moses, were
properly Miracles; because they were done with intention
to make the people of Israel beleeve, that Moses came
unto them, not out of any design of his owne interest,
but as sent from God. Therefore after God had
commanded him to deliver the Israelites from the Egyptian
bondage, when he said (Exod 4.1. &c.) “They
will not beleeve me, but will say, the Lord hath not
appeared unto me,” God gave him power, to turn
the Rod he had in his hand into a Serpent, and again
to return it into a Rod; and by putting his hand into
his bosome, to make it leprous; and again by pulling
it out to make it whole, to make the Children of Israel
beleeve (as it is verse 5.) that the God of their Fathers
had appeared unto him; And if that were not enough,
he gave him power to turn their waters into bloud.
And when hee had done these Miracles before the people,
it is said (verse 41.) that “they beleeved him.”
Neverthelesse, for fear of Pharaoh, they durst not
yet obey him. Therefore the other works which
were done to plague Pharaoh and the Egyptians, tended
all to make the Israelites beleeve in Moses, and were
properly Miracles. In like manner if we consider
all the Miracles done by the hand of Moses, and all
the rest of the Prophets, till the Captivity; and
those of our Saviour, and his Apostles afterward;
we shall find, their end was alwaies to beget, or
confirm beleefe, that they came not of their own motion,
but were sent by God. Wee may further observe
in Scripture, that the end of Miracles, was to beget
beleef, not universally in all men, elect, and reprobate;
but in the elect only; that is to say, is such as
God had determined should become his Subjects.
For those miraculous plagues of Egypt, had not for
end, the conversion of Pharaoh; For God had told Moses
before, that he would harden the heart of Pharaoh,
that he should not let the people goe: And when
he let them goe at last, not the Miracles perswaded
him, but the plagues forced him to it. So also
of our Saviour, it is written, (Mat. 13. 58.) that
he wrought not many Miracles in his own countrey, because
of their unbeleef; and (in Marke 6.5.) in stead of,
“he wrought not many,” it is, “he
could work none.” It was not because he
wanted power; which to say, were blasphemy against
God; nor that the end of Miracles was not to convert
incredulous men to Christ; for the end of all the
Miracles of Moses, of Prophets, of our Saviour, and
of his Apostles was to adde men to the Church; but
it was, because the end of their Miracles, was to
adde to the Church (not all men, but) such as should
be saved; that is to say, such as God had elected.
Seeing therefore our Saviour sent from his Father,
hee could not use his power in the conversion of those,
whom his Father had rejected. They that expounding
this place of St. Marke, say, that his word, “Hee
could not,” is put for, “He would not,”
do it without example in the Greek tongue, (where
Would Not, is put sometimes for Could Not, in things
inanimate, that have no will; but Could Not, for Would
Not, never,) and thereby lay a stumbling block before
weak Christians; as if Christ could doe no Miracles,
but amongst the credulous.