Leviathan eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 732 pages of information about Leviathan.

Leviathan eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 732 pages of information about Leviathan.
we have; which would be many of them so uncomely, as it would be the greatest contumely in the world to ascribe them to him.  Therefore we are to interpret Gods speaking to men immediately, for that way (whatsoever it be), by which God makes them understand his will:  And the wayes whereby he doth this, are many; and to be sought onely in the Holy Scripture:  where though many times it be said, that God spake to this, and that person, without declaring in what manner; yet there be again many places, that deliver also the signes by which they were to acknowledge his presence, and commandement; and by these may be understood, how he spake to many of the rest.

To The Extraordinary Prophets Of The Old Testament He Spake By Dreams, Or Visions In what manner God spake to Adam, and Eve, and Cain, and Noah, is not expressed; nor how he spake to Abraham, till such time as he came out of his own countrey to Sichem in the land of Canaan; and then (Gen. 12.7.) God is said to have Appeared to him.  So there is one way, whereby God made his presence manifest; that is, by an Apparition, or Vision.  And again, (Gen. 15.1.) The Word of the Lord came to Abraham in a Vision; that is to say, somewhat, as a sign of Gods presence, appeared as Gods Messenger, to speak to him.  Again, the Lord appeared to Abraham (Gen. 18. 1.) by an apparition of three Angels; and to Abimelech (Gen. 20. 3.) in a dream:  To Lot (Gen. 19. 1.) by an apparition of Two Angels:  And to Hagar (Gen. 21. 17.) by the apparition of one Angel:  And to Abraham again (Gen. 22. 11.) by the apparition of a voice from heaven:  And (Gen. 26. 24.) to Isaac in the night; (that is, in his sleep, or by dream):  And to Jacob (Gen. 18. 12.) in a dream; that is to say (as are the words of the text) “Jacob dreamed that he saw a ladder, &c.”  And (Gen. 32. 1.) in a Vision of Angels:  And to Moses (Exod. 3.2.) in the apparition of a flame of fire out of the midst of a bush:  And after the time of Moses, (where the manner how God spake immediately to man in the Old Testament, is expressed) hee spake alwaies by a Vision, or by a Dream; as to Gideon, Samuel, Eliah, Elisha, Isaiah, Ezekiel, and the rest of the Prophets; and often in the New Testament, as to Joseph, to St. Peter, to St. Paul, and to St. John the Evangelist in the Apocalypse.

Onely to Moses hee spake in a more extraordinary manner in Mount Sinai, and in the Tabernacle; and to the High Priest in the Tabernacle, and in the Sanctum Sanctorum of the Temple.  But Moses, and after him the High Priests were Prophets of a more eminent place, and degree in Gods favour; And God himself in express words declareth, that to other Prophets hee spake in Dreams and Visions, but to his servant Moses, in such manner as a man speaketh to his friend.  The words are these (Numb. 12. 6,7,8.) “If there be a Prophet among you, I the Lord will make my self known to him in a Vision, and will speak unto him in a Dream.  My servant Moses is not so, who

Project Gutenberg
Leviathan from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.