The Entire Project Gutenberg Works of Mark Twain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 714 pages of information about The Entire Project Gutenberg Works of Mark Twain.

The Entire Project Gutenberg Works of Mark Twain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 714 pages of information about The Entire Project Gutenberg Works of Mark Twain.

When I reached home, they whipped me, but I enjoyed it.  It seemed perfectly delightful.  That man had been stabbed near the office that afternoon, and they carried him in there to doctor him, but he only lived an hour.  I have slept in the same room with him often since then—­in my dreams.

Now we will descend into the crypt, under the grand altar of Milan Cathedral, and receive an impressive sermon from lips that have been silent and hands that have been gestureless for three hundred years.

The priest stopped in a small dungeon and held up his candle.  This was the last resting-place of a good man, a warm-hearted, unselfish man; a man whose whole life was given to succoring the poor, encouraging the faint-hearted, visiting the sick; in relieving distress, whenever and wherever he found it.  His heart, his hand, and his purse were always open.  With his story in one’s mind he can almost see his benignant countenance moving calmly among the haggard faces of Milan in the days when the plague swept the city, brave where all others were cowards, full of compassion where pity had been crushed out of all other breasts by the instinct of self-preservation gone mad with terror, cheering all, praying with all, helping all, with hand and brain and purse, at a time when parents forsook their children, the friend deserted the friend, and the brother turned away from the sister while her pleadings were still wailing in his ears.

This was good St. Charles Borromeo, Bishop of Milan.  The people idolized him; princes lavished uncounted treasures upon him.  We stood in his tomb.  Near by was the sarcophagus, lighted by the dripping candles.  The walls were faced with bas-reliefs representing scenes in his life done in massive silver.  The priest put on a short white lace garment over his black robe, crossed himself, bowed reverently, and began to turn a windlass slowly.  The sarcophagus separated in two parts, lengthwise, and the lower part sank down and disclosed a coffin of rock crystal as clear as the atmosphere.  Within lay the body, robed in costly habiliments covered with gold embroidery and starred with scintillating gems.  The decaying head was black with age, the dry skin was drawn tight to the bones, the eyes were gone, there was a hole in the temple and another in the cheek, and the skinny lips were parted as in a ghastly smile!  Over this dreadful face, its dust and decay and its mocking grin, hung a crown sown thick with flashing brilliants; and upon the breast lay crosses and croziers of solid gold that were splendid with emeralds and diamonds.

How poor, and cheap, and trivial these gew-gaws seemed in presence of the solemnity, the grandeur, the awful majesty of Death!  Think of Milton, Shakespeare, Washington, standing before a reverent world tricked out in the glass beads, the brass ear-rings and tin trumpery of the savages of the plains!

Dead Bartolomeo preached his pregnant sermon, and its burden was:  You that worship the vanities of earth—­you that long for worldly honor, worldly wealth, worldly fame—­behold their worth!

Project Gutenberg
The Entire Project Gutenberg Works of Mark Twain from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.