The Entire Project Gutenberg Works of Mark Twain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 714 pages of information about The Entire Project Gutenberg Works of Mark Twain.

The Entire Project Gutenberg Works of Mark Twain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 714 pages of information about The Entire Project Gutenberg Works of Mark Twain.

Over the way from us, and higher up the valley, we can discern, through the glasses, the faint outlines of the wonderful ruins of Baalbec, the supposed Baal-Gad of Scripture.  Joshua, and another person, were the two spies who were sent into this land of Canaan by the children of Israel to report upon its character—­I mean they were the spies who reported favorably.  They took back with them some specimens of the grapes of this country, and in the children’s picture-books they are always represented as bearing one monstrous bunch swung to a pole between them, a respectable load for a pack-train.  The Sunday-school books exaggerated it a little.  The grapes are most excellent to this day, but the bunches are not as large as those in the pictures.  I was surprised and hurt when I saw them, because those colossal bunches of grapes were one of my most cherished juvenile traditions.

Joshua reported favorably, and the children of Israel journeyed on, with Moses at the head of the general government, and Joshua in command of the army of six hundred thousand fighting men.  Of women and children and civilians there was a countless swarm.  Of all that mighty host, none but the two faithful spies ever lived to set their feet in the Promised Land.  They and their descendants wandered forty years in the desert, and then Moses, the gifted warrior, poet, statesman and philosopher, went up into Pisgah and met his mysterious fate.  Where he was buried no man knows —­for

          “* * * no man dug that sepulchre,
          And no man saw it e’er
—­ For the Sons of God upturned the sod
          And laid the dead man there!”

Then Joshua began his terrible raid, and from Jericho clear to this Baal-Gad, he swept the land like the Genius of Destruction.  He slaughtered the people, laid waste their soil, and razed their cities to the ground.  He wasted thirty-one kings also.  One may call it that, though really it can hardly be called wasting them, because there were always plenty of kings in those days, and to spare.  At any rate, he destroyed thirty-one kings, and divided up their realms among his Israelites.  He divided up this valley stretched out here before us, and so it was once Jewish territory.  The Jews have long since disappeared from it, however.

Back yonder, an hour’s journey from here, we passed through an Arab village of stone dry-goods boxes (they look like that,) where Noah’s tomb lies under lock and key. [Noah built the ark.] Over these old hills and valleys the ark that contained all that was left of a vanished world once floated.

I make no apology for detailing the above information.  It will be news to some of my readers, at any rate.

Project Gutenberg
The Entire Project Gutenberg Works of Mark Twain from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.