Complete Letters of Mark Twain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,140 pages of information about Complete Letters of Mark Twain.

Complete Letters of Mark Twain eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,140 pages of information about Complete Letters of Mark Twain.

We can draw on Mr. Langdon for money for a few weeks until things are a little easier with you.  As Mr. Clemens wrote you we would say “do not send us any more money at present” if we were not afraid to do so.  I will say, however, do not trouble yourself if for a few weeks you are not able to send the usual amount.

Mr. Clemens and I have the greatest possible desire, not to increase in any way your burdens, and sincerely wish we might aid you.

I trust my brother may be able, in his talk with you, to throw some helpful light on the situation.

Hoping you will see a change for the better and begin to reap the fruit
of your long and hard labor. 
               Believe me
                    Very Cordially yours
                              Olivia L. Clemens.

Hall, naturally, did not wish to be left alone with the business.  He realized that his credit would suffer, both at the bank and with the public, if his distinguished partner should retire.  He wrote, therefore, proposing as an alternate that they dispose of the big subscription set that was swamping them.  It was a good plan—­if it would work—­and we find Clemens entering into it heartily.

To Fred J. Hall, in New York: 

Munich, July 3, ’93.  Dear Mr. Hall,—­You make a suggestion which has once or twice flitted dimly through my mind heretofore to wit, sell L. A. L.

I like that better than the other scheme, for it is no doubt feasible, whereas the other is perhaps not.

The firm is in debt, but L. A. L. is free—­and not only free but has large money owing to it.  A proposition to sell that by itself to a big house could be made without embarrassment we merely confess that we cannot spare capital from the rest of the business to run it on the huge scale necessary to make it an opulent success.

It will be selling a good thing—­for somebody; and it will be getting rid of a load which we are clearly not able to carry.  Whoever buys will have a noble good opening—­a complete equipment, a well organized business, a capable and experienced manager, and enterprise not experimental but under full sail, and immediately able to pay 50 per cent a year on every dollar the publisher shall actually invest in it—­I mean in making and selling the books.

I am miserably sorry to be adding bothers and torments to the over-supply which you already have in these hideous times, but I feel so troubled, myself, considering the dreary fact that we are getting deeper and deeper in debt and the L. A. L. getting to be a heavier and heavier burden all the time, that I must bestir myself and seek a way of relief.

It did not occur to me that in selling out I would injure you—­for that I
am not going to do.  But to sell L. A. L. will not injure you it will put
you in better shape. 
               Sincerely Yours
                         S. L. Clemens.

Project Gutenberg
Complete Letters of Mark Twain from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.