HotelGENNIN. Livy darling, we had a lovely day jogged right along, with a good horse and sensible driver—the last two hours right behind an open carriage filled with a pleasant German family—old gentleman and 3 pretty daughters. At table d’hote tonight, 3 dishes were enough for me, and then I bored along tediously through the bill of fare, with a back-ache, not daring to get up and bow to the German family and leave. I meant to sit it through and make them get up and do the bowing; but at last Joe took pity on me and said he would get up and drop them a curtsy and put me out of my misery. I was grateful. He got up and delivered a succession of frank and hearty bows, accompanying them with an atmosphere of good-fellowship which would have made even an English family surrender. Of course the Germans responded—then I got right up and they had to respond to my salaams, too. So “that was done.”
We walked up a gorge and saw a tumbling waterfall
which was nothing to Giessbach, but it made me resolve
to drop you a line and urge you to go and see Giessbach
illuminated. Don’t fail—but
take a long day’s rest, first. I love
you, sweetheart.
Overthe Gemmi pass.
p.m. Saturday, Aug. 24, 1878.
Livy darling, Joe and I have had a most noble day.
Started to climb (on foot) at 8.30 this morning among
the grandest peaks! Every half hour carried
us back a month in the season. We left them harvesting
2d crop of hay. At 9 we were in July and found
ripe strawberries; at 9.30 we were in June and gathered
flowers belonging to that month; at 10 we were in
May and gathered a flower which appeared in Heidelberg
the 17th of that month; also forget-me-nots, which
disappeared from Heidelberg about mid-May; at 11.30
we were in April (by the flowers;) at noon we had rain
and hail mixed, and wind and enveloping fogs, and considered
it March; at 12.30 we had snowbanks above us and snowbanks
below us, and considered it February. Not good
February, though, because in the midst of the wild
desolation the forget-me-not still bloomed, lovely
as ever.
What a flower garden the Gemmi Pass is! After I had got my hands full Joe made me a paper bag, which I pinned to my lapel and filled with choice specimens. I gathered no flowers which I had ever gathered before except 4 or 5 kinds. We took it leisurely and I picked all I wanted to. I mailed my harvest to you a while ago. Don’t send it to Mrs. Brooks until you have looked it over, flower by flower. It will pay.
Among the clouds and everlasting snows I found a brave and bright little forget-me-not growing in the very midst of a smashed and tumbled stone-debris, just as cheerful as if the barren and awful domes and ramparts that towered around were the blessed walls of heaven. I thought how Lilly Warner would be touched by such a gracious surprise, if she, instead of I, had seen it. So I plucked it, and have mailed it to her with a note.