Mark Twain's Letters — Volume 4 (1886-1900) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 318 pages of information about Mark Twain's Letters — Volume 4 (1886-1900).

Mark Twain's Letters — Volume 4 (1886-1900) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 318 pages of information about Mark Twain's Letters — Volume 4 (1886-1900).
to the village of Weggis, on Lake Lucerne—­“The charmingest place we ever lived in,” he declared, “for repose, and restfulness, and superb scenery.”  It was here that he began work on a new story of Tom and Huck, and at least upon one other manuscript.  From a brief note to Mr. Rogers we learn something of his employments and economies.

To Henry H. Rogers, in New York: 

Lucerne, August the something or other, 1897.  Dear Mr. Rogers,—­I am writing a novel, and am getting along very well with it.

I believe that this place (Weggis, half an hour from Lucerne,) is the loveliest in the world, and the most satisfactory.  We have a small house on the hillside all to ourselves, and our meals are served in it from the inn below on the lake shore.  Six francs a day per head, house and food included.  The scenery is beyond comparison beautiful.  We have a row boat and some bicycles, and good roads, and no visitors.  Nobody knows we are here.  And Sunday in heaven is noisy compared to this quietness. 
                         Sincerely yours
                                        S. L. C.

To Rev. J. H. Twichell, in Hartford: 

Lucerne, Aug. 22, ’97.  Dear Joe,—­Livy made a noble find on the Lucerne boat the other day on one of her shopping trips—­George Williamson Smith—­did I tell you about it?  We had a lovely time with him, and such intellectual refreshment as we had not tasted in many a month.

And the other night we had a detachment of the jubilee Singers—­6.  I had known one of them in London 24 years ago.  Three of the 6 were born in slavery, the others were children of slaves.  How charming they were—­in spirit, manner, language, pronunciation, enunciation, grammar, phrasing, matter, carriage, clothes—­in every detail that goes to make the real lady and gentleman, and welcome guest.  We went down to the village hotel and bought our tickets and entered the beer-hall, where a crowd of German and Swiss men and women sat grouped at round tables with their beer mugs in front of them—­self-contained and unimpressionable looking people, an indifferent and unposted and disheartened audience—­and up at the far end of the room sat the Jubilees in a row.  The Singers got up and stood—­the talking and glass jingling went on.  Then rose and swelled out above those common earthly sounds one of those rich chords the secret of whose make only the Jubilees possess, and a spell fell upon that house.  It was fine to see the faces light up with the pleased wonder and surprise of it.  No one was indifferent any more; and when the singers finished, the camp was theirs.  It was a triumph.  It reminded me of Launcelot riding in Sir Kay’s armor and astonishing complacent Knights who thought they had struck a soft thing.  The Jubilees sang a lot of pieces.  Arduous and painstaking cultivation has not diminished or artificialized their music,

Project Gutenberg
Mark Twain's Letters — Volume 4 (1886-1900) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.