Sketches New and Old eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 366 pages of information about Sketches New and Old.

Sketches New and Old eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 366 pages of information about Sketches New and Old.

The excited listener sprang toward me to shake hands, and said: 

“There, there—­that will do.  I know I am all right now, because you have read it just as I did, word, for word.  But, stranger, when I first read it this morning, I said to myself, I never, never believed it before, notwithstanding my friends kept me under watch so strict, but now I believe I am crazy; and with that I fetched a howl that you might have heard two miles, and started out to kill somebody—­because, you know, I knew it would come to that sooner or later, and so I might as well begin.  I read one of them paragraphs over again, so as to be certain, and then I burned my house down and started.  I have crippled several people, and have got one fellow up a tree, where I can get him if I want him.  But I thought I would call in here as I passed along and make the thing perfectly certain; and now it is certain, and I tell you it is lucky for the chap that is in the tree.  I should have killed him sure, as I went back.  Good-by, sir, good-by; you have taken a great load off my mind.  My reason has stood the strain of one of your agricultural articles, and I know that nothing can ever unseat it now.  Good-by, sir.”

I felt a little uncomfortable about the cripplings and arsons this person had been entertaining himself with, for I could not help feeling remotely accessory to them.  But these thoughts were quickly banished, for the regular editor walked in! [I thought to myself, Now if you had gone to Egypt as I recommended you to, I might have had a chance to get my hand in; but you wouldn’t do it, and here you are.  I sort of expected you.]

The editor was looking sad and perplexed and dejected.

He surveyed the wreck which that old rioter and those two young farmers had made, and then said “This is a sad business—­a very sad business.  There is the mucilage-bottle broken, and six panes of glass, and a spittoon, and two candlesticks.  But that is not the worst.  The reputation of the paper is injured—­and permanently, I fear.  True, there never was such a call for the paper before, and it never sold such a large edition or soared to such celebrity; but does one want to be famous for lunacy, and prosper upon the infirmities of his mind?  My friend, as I am an honest man, the street out here is full of people, and others are roosting on the fences, waiting to get a glimpse of you, because they think you are crazy.  And well they might after reading your editorials.  They are a disgrace to journalism.  Why, what put it into your head that you could edit a paper of this nature?  You do not seem to know the first rudiments of agriculture.  You speak of a furrow and a harrow as being the same thing; you talk of the moulting season for cows; and you recommend the domestication of the pole-cat on account of its playfulness and its excellence as a ratter!  Your remark that clams will lie quiet if music be played to them was

Project Gutenberg
Sketches New and Old from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.