The Mysterious Stranger eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about The Mysterious Stranger.

The Mysterious Stranger eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 153 pages of information about The Mysterious Stranger.

“It was even so.  I redeemed the tinware at pawnbroker’s rates, less cost of advertising, bade the burglar good-night, closed the window after him, and retired to headquarters to report.  Next morning we sent for the burglar-alarm man, and he came up and explained that the reason the alarm did not ‘go off’ was that no part of the house but the first floor was attached to the alarm.  This was simply idiotic; one might as well have no armor on at all in battle as to have it only on his legs.  The expert now put the whole second story on the alarm, charged three hundred dollars for it, and went his way.  By and by, one night, I found a burglar in the third story, about to start down a ladder with a lot of miscellaneous property.  My first impulse was to crack his head with a billiard cue; but my second was to refrain from this attention, because he was between me and the cue rack.  The second impulse was plainly the soundest, so I refrained, and proceeded to compromise.  I redeemed the property at former rates, after deducting ten per cent. for use of ladder, it being my ladder, and, next day we sent down for the expert once more, and had the third story attached to the alarm, for three hundred dollars.

“By this time the ‘annunciator’ had grown to formidable dimensions.  It had forty-seven tags on it, marked with the names of the various rooms and chimneys, and it occupied the space of an ordinary wardrobe.  The gong was the size of a wash-bowl, and was placed above the head of our bed.  There was a wire from the house to the coachman’s quarters in the stable, and a noble gong alongside his pillow.

“We should have been comfortable now but for one defect.  Every morning at five the cook opened the kitchen door, in the way of business, and rip went that gong!  The first time this happened I thought the last day was come sure.  I didn’t think it in bed—­no, but out of it—­for the first effect of that frightful gong is to hurl you across the house, and slam you against the wall, and then curl you up, and squirm you like a spider on a stove lid, till somebody shuts the kitchen door.  In solid fact, there is no clamor that is even remotely comparable to the dire clamor which that gong makes.  Well, this catastrophe happened every morning regularly at five o’clock, and lost us three hours sleep; for, mind you, when that thing wakes you, it doesn’t merely wake you in spots; it wakes you all over, conscience and all, and you are good for eighteen hours of wide-awakeness subsequently—­eighteen hours of the very most inconceivable wide-awakeness that you ever experienced in your life.  A stranger died on our hands one time, aid we vacated and left him in our room overnight.  Did that stranger wait for the general judgment?  No, sir; he got up at five the next morning in the most prompt and unostentatious way.  I knew he would; I knew it mighty well.  He collected his life-insurance, and lived happy ever after, for there was plenty of proof as to the perfect squareness of his death.

Project Gutenberg
The Mysterious Stranger from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.