The Gilded Age eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 597 pages of information about The Gilded Age.

The Gilded Age eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 597 pages of information about The Gilded Age.

It happened to him to be captured in one of his self-appointed expeditions, but the federal colonel released him, after a short examination, satisfied that he could most injure the confederate forces opposed to the Unionists by returning him to his regiment.  Col.  Sellers was of course a prominent man during the war.  He was captain of the home guards in Hawkeye, and he never left home except upon one occasion, when on the strength of a rumor, he executed a flank movement and fortified Stone’s Landing, a place which no one unacquainted with the country would be likely to find.

“Gad,” said the Colonel afterwards, “the Landing is the key to upper Missouri, and it is the only place the enemy never captured.  If other places had been defended as well as that was, the result would have been different, sir.”

The Colonel had his own theories about war as he had in other things.  If everybody had stayed at home as he did, he said, the South never would have been conquered.  For what would there have been to conquer?  Mr. Jeff Davis was constantly writing him to take command of a corps in the confederate army, but Col.  Sellers said, no, his duty was at home.  And he was by no means idle.  He was the inventor of the famous air torpedo, which came very near destroying the Union armies in Missouri, and the city of St. Louis itself.

His plan was to fill a torpedo with Greek fire and poisonous and deadly missiles, attach it to a balloon, and then let it sail away over the hostile camp and explode at the right moment, when the time-fuse burned out.  He intended to use this invention in the capture of St. Louis, exploding his torpedoes over the city, and raining destruction upon it until the army of occupation would gladly capitulate.  He was unable to procure the Greek fire, but he constructed a vicious torpedo which would have answered the purpose, but the first one prematurely exploded in his wood-house, blowing it clean away, and setting fire to his house.  The neighbors helped him put out the conflagration, but they discouraged any more experiments of that sort.

The patriotic old gentleman, however, planted so much powder and so many explosive contrivances in the roads leading into Hawkeye, and then forgot the exact spots of danger, that people were afraid to travel the highways, and used to come to town across the fields, The Colonel’s motto was, “Millions for defence but not one cent for tribute.”

When Laura came to Hawkeye she might have forgotten the annoyances of the gossips of Murpheysburg and have out lived the bitterness that was growing in her heart, if she had been thrown less upon herself, or if the surroundings of her life had been more congenial and helpful.  But she had little society, less and less as she grew older that was congenial to her, and her mind preyed upon itself; and the mystery of her birth at once chagrined her and raised in her the most extravagant expectations.  She was proud and she felt the sting of poverty.  She could not but be conscious of her beauty also, and she was vain of that, and came to take a sort of delight in the exercise of her fascinations upon the rather loutish young men who came in her way and whom she despised.

Project Gutenberg
The Gilded Age from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.