The Gilded Age eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 597 pages of information about The Gilded Age.

The Gilded Age eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 597 pages of information about The Gilded Age.

“You take a body’s breath away!  Would you—­did you wish me to vote for it?  Was that what you wanted to see me about?”

“Your instinct is correct.  I did want you—­I do want you to vote for it.”

“Vote for a fr—­for a measure which is generally believed to be at least questionable?  I am afraid we cannot come to an understanding, Miss Hawkins.”

“No, I am afraid not—­if you have resumed your principles, Mr. Trollop.”

“Did you send for we merely to insult me?  It is time for me to take my leave, Miss Hawkins.”

“No-wait a moment.  Don’t be offended at a trifle.  Do not be offish and unsociable.  The Steamship Subsidy bill was a fraud on the government.  You voted for it, Mr. Trollop, though you always opposed the measure until after you had an interview one evening with a certain Mrs. McCarter at her house.  She was my agent.  She was acting for me.  Ah, that is right—­sit down again.  You can be sociable, easily enough if you have a mind to.  Well?  I am waiting.  Have you nothing to say?”

“Miss Hawkins, I voted for that bill because when I came to examine into it—­”

“Ah yes.  When you came to examine into it.  Well, I only want you to examine into my bill.  Mr. Trollop, you would not sell your vote on that subsidy bill—­which was perfectly right—­but you accepted of some of the stock, with the understanding that it was to stand in your brother-in-law’s name.”

“There is no pr—­I mean, this is, utterly groundless, Miss Hawkins.”  But the gentleman seemed somewhat uneasy, nevertheless.

“Well, not entirely so, perhaps.  I and a person whom we will call Miss Blank (never mind the real name,) were in a closet at your elbow all the while.”

Mr. Trollop winced—­then he said with dignity: 

“Miss Hawkins is it possible that you were capable of such a thing as that?”

“It was bad; I confess that.  It was bad.  Almost as bad as selling one’s vote for—­but I forget; you did not sell your vote—­you only accepted a little trifle, a small token of esteem, for your brother-in-law.  Oh, let us come out and be frank with each other:  I know you, Mr. Trollop.  I have met you on business three or four times; true, I never offered to corrupt your principles—­never hinted such a thing; but always when I had finished sounding you, I manipulated you through an agent.  Let us be frank.  Wear this comely disguise of virtue before the public—­it will count there; but here it is out of place.  My dear sir, by and by there is going to be an investigation into that National Internal Improvement Directors’ Relief Measure of a few years ago, and you know very well that you will be a crippled man, as likely as not, when it is completed.”

“It cannot be shown that a man is a knave merely for owning that stock.  I am not distressed about the National Improvement Relief Measure.”

Project Gutenberg
The Gilded Age from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.