Doctor Thorne eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 812 pages of information about Doctor Thorne.

Doctor Thorne eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 812 pages of information about Doctor Thorne.

’It is not permitted to us, my dear Augusta, to think of ourselves in such matters.  As you truly say, if we were to act in this way, what would the world come to?  It has been God’s pleasure that we should be born with high blood in our veins.  This is a great boon which we both value, but the boon has its responsibilities as well as its privileges.  It is established by law, that the royal family shall not intermarry with subjects.  In our case there is no law, but the necessity is not the less felt; we should not intermarry with those who are probably of a lower rank.  Mr Mortimer Gazebee is, after all, only an attorney; and, although you speak of his great-grandfather, he is a man of no blood whatsoever.  You must acknowledge that such an admixture should be looked on by a De Courcy, or even a Gresham, as a pollution.’ (Here Augusta got very red, and she felt almost inclined to be angry with her cousin.) ’Beatrice’s marriage with Mr Oriel is different; though, remember, I am by no means defending that; it may be good or bad, and I have had no opportunity of inquiring respecting Mr Oriel’s family.  Beatrice, moreover, has never appeared to me to feel what was due to herself in such matters; but, as I said, her marriage with Mr Oriel is very different.  Clergymen—­particularly the rectors and vicars of country parishes—­do become privileged above other professional men.  I could explain why, but it would be too long in a letter.

’Your feelings on the subject altogether do you great credit.  I have no doubt that Mr Gresham, if asked, would accede to the match; but that is just the reason why he should not be asked.  It would not be right that I should say anything against your father to you; but it is impossible for any of us not to see that all through life he has thrown away every advantage, and sacrificed his family.  Why is he now in debt, as you say?  Why is he not holding the family seat in Parliament?  Even though you are his daughter, you cannot but feel that you would not do right to consult him on such a subject.

’As to dear aunt, I feel sure, that were she in good health, and left to exercise her own judgement, she would not wish to see you married to the agent for the family estate.  For, dear Augusta, that is the real truth.  Mr Gazebee often comes here in the way of business; and though papa always receives him as a gentleman—­that is, he dines at table and all that—­he is not on the same footing in the house as the ordinary guests and friends of the family.  How would you like to be received at Courcy Castle in the same way?

’You will say, perhaps, that you would still be papa’s niece; so you would.  But you know how strict in such matters papa is, and you must remember, that the wife always follows the rank of the husband.  Papa is accustomed to the strict etiquette of a court, and I am sure that no consideration would induce him to receive the estate-agent in the light of a nephew.  Indeed, were you to marry Mr Gazebee, the house to which he belongs would, I imagine, have to give up the management of the property.

Project Gutenberg
Doctor Thorne from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.