Doctor Thorne eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 812 pages of information about Doctor Thorne.

Doctor Thorne eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 812 pages of information about Doctor Thorne.

‘Come in, sir, and give Sir Louis your arm,’ said the doctor, angrily.

’So I will in course, if my master tells me; but, if you please, Dr Thorne—­’ and Joe put his hand up to his hair in a manner that a great deal more impudence than reverence in it—­’I just want to ax one question; where be I to sleep?’

Now this was a question which the doctor was not prepared to answer on the spur of the moment, however well Janet or Mary might have been able to do so.

‘Sleep,’ said he, ’I don’t know where you are to sleep, and don’t care; ask Janet.’

‘That’s all very well, master—­’

‘Hold your tongue, sirrah!’ said Sir Louis.  ’What the devil do you want of sleep?—­come here,’ and then, with his servant’s help, he made his way up to his bedroom, and was no more heard of that night.

‘Did he get tipsy,’ asked Mary, almost in a whisper, when her uncle joined her in the drawing-room.

‘Don’t talk of it,’ said he.  ’Poor wretch! poor wretch!  Let’s have some tea now, Molly, and pray don’t talk any more about him to-night.’  Then Mary did make the tea, and did not talk any more about Sir Louis that night.

What on earth were they to do with him?  He had come there self-invited; but his connexion with the doctor was such, that it was impossible he should be told to go away, either he himself, or that servant of his.  There was no reason to disbelieve him when he declared that he had come down to ferret out the squire.  Such was, doubtless, his intention.  He would ferret out the squire.  Perhaps he might ferret out Lady Arabella also.  Frank would be home in a few days; and he, too, might be ferreted out.

But the matter took a very singular turn, and one quite unexpected on the doctor’s part.  On the morning following the little dinner of which we have spoken, one of the Greshamsbury grooms rode up to the doctor’s door with two notes.  One was addressed to the doctor in the squire’s well-known large handwriting, and the other was for Sir Louis.  Each contained an invitation do dinner for the following day; and that to the doctor was in this wise:—­

Dear doctor,

Do come and dine here to-morrow, and bring Sir Louis Scatcherd with you.  If you’re the man I take you to be, you won’t refuse me.  Lady Arabella sends a note for Sir Louis.  There will be nobody here but Oriel, and Mr Gazebee, who’s staying in the house.

‘Yours ever, F.N.Gresham

’PS—­I make a positive request that you’ll come, and I think you will hardly refuse me.’

The doctor read it twice before he could believe it, and then ordered Janet to take the other note up to Sir Louis.  As these invitations were rather in opposition to the then existing Greshamsbury tactics, the cause of Lady Arabella’s special civility must be explained.

Project Gutenberg
Doctor Thorne from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.