Doctor Thorne eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 812 pages of information about Doctor Thorne.

Doctor Thorne eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 812 pages of information about Doctor Thorne.

’A good thing won’t last for ever.  I’ll tell you what now; I wish I had brought down a dozen or two of claret.  I’ve some prime stuff in London; got it from Muzzle and Drug, at ninety-six shillings; it was a great favour, though.  I’ll tell you what now, I’ll send up for a couple of dozen to-morrow.  I mustn’t drink you out of the house, high and dry; must I, doctor?’

The doctor froze immediately.

‘I don’t think I need trouble you,’ said he; ’I never drink claret, at least not here; and there’s enough of the old bin left to last some little time longer yet.’

Sir Louis drank two or three glasses of wine very quickly after each other, and they immediately began to tell upon his weak stomach.  But before he was tipsy, he became more impudent and more disagreeable.

‘Doctor,’ said he, ’when are we going to see any of this Greshamsbury money?  That’s what I want to know.’

’Your money is quite safe, Sir Louis; and the interest is paid to the day.’

’Interest yes; but how do I know how long it will be paid?  I should like to see the principal.  A hundred thousand pounds, or something like it, is a precious large stake to have in one man’s hands, and he is preciously hard up himself.  I’ll tell you what, doctor—­I shall look the squire up myself.’

‘Look him up?’

’Yes; look him up; ferret him out; tell him a bit of my mind.  I’ll thank you to pass the bottle.  D——­ me doctor; I mean to know how things are going on.’

‘Your money is quite safe,’ repeated the doctor, ’and, to my mind, could not be better invested.’

’That’s all very well; d——­ well I dare say, for you and Squire Gresham—­’

‘What do you mean, Sir Louis?’

’Mean! why I mean that I’ll sell the squire up; that’s what I mean—­hallo—­beg pardon.  I’m blessed if I haven’t broken the water-jug.  That comes of having water on the table.  Oh, d——­ me, it’s all over me.’  And then, getting up, to avoid the flood he himself had caused, he nearly fell into the doctor’s arms.

’You’re tired with your journey, Sir Louis; perhaps you’d better go to bed.’

’Well, I am a bit seedy or so.  Those cursed roads of yours shake a fellow so.’

The doctor rang the bell, and, on this occasion, did request that Joe might be sent for.  Joe came in, and, though he was much steadier than his master, looked as though he also had found some bin of which he had approved.

‘Sir Louis wishes to go to bed,’ said the doctor; ’you had better give him your arm.’

‘Oh, yes; in course I will,’ said Joe, standing immoveable about half-way between the door and the table.

‘I’ll just take one more glass of the old port—­eh, doctor?’ said Sir Louis, putting out his hand and clutching the decanter.

It is very hard for any man to deny his guest in his own house, and the doctor, at the moment, did not know how to do it; so Sir Louis got his wine, after pouring half of it over the table.

Project Gutenberg
Doctor Thorne from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.