Women in the Life of Balzac eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 298 pages of information about Women in the Life of Balzac.

Women in the Life of Balzac eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 298 pages of information about Women in the Life of Balzac.

During this journey Madame Marbouty was known as Marcel, this being the name of the devoted servant of Raoul de Nangis in Meyerbeer’s masterpiece, Les Huguenots, which had been given for the first time on February 29, 1836.  The two travelers had a delightful but very fatiguing journey, for there were so many things to see that they even took time from their sleep to enjoy the beauties of Italy.  In writing to Madame Hanska of this trip, he spoke of having for companion a friend of Madame Carraud and Jules Sandeau.

Madame Marbouty was also a friend of Madame Carraud’s sister, Madame Nivet, so that when Balzac visited Limoges he probably called on his former traveling companion.

When the second volume of the Comedie humaine was published (1842), Balzac remembered this episode in his life and dedicated La Grenadiere to his traveling companion: 

 “To Caroline, to the poetry of the journey, from the grateful

In explaining this dedication to Madame Hanska, Balzac states that the poesie du voyage was merely the poetry of it and nothing more, and that when she comes to Paris he will take pleasure in showing to her this intimate friend of Madame Carraud, this charming, intellectual woman whom he has not seen since.

Balzac went to Madame Marbouty’s home to read to her the first acts of L’Ecole des Menages, which she liked; a few days later, he returned, depressed because a great lady had told him it was ennuyeux, so she tried to cheer him. Souvenirs inedits, dated February, 1839, left by her, and a letter from her to Balzac dated March 12, 1840, in which she asks him to give her a ticket to the first performance of his play,[*] show that they were on excellent terms at this time.  But later a coolness arose, and in April, 1842, Madame Marbouty wrote Une fausse Position.  The personages in this novel are portraits, and Balzac appears under the name of Ulric.  This explains why the dedication of La Grenadiere was changed.  Some writers seem to think that Madame Marbouty suggested to Balzac La Muse du Departement, a Berrichon bluestocking.

[*] The play referred to is doubtless Vautrin, played for the first
    time March 14, 1840.

Among the women in the Comedie humaine who have been identified with women the novelist knew in the course of his life, Beatrix (Beatrix), depicting the life of the Comtesse d’Agoult, is one of the most noted.  Balzac says of this famous character:  “Yes, Beatrix is even too much Madame d’Agoult.  George Sand is at the height of felicity; she takes a little vengeance on her friend.  Except for a few variations, the story is true.”

Project Gutenberg
Women in the Life of Balzac from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.