The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 455 pages of information about The Odyssey.
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The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 455 pages of information about The Odyssey.
How would my mother curse my hated head! 
And while In wrath to vengeful fiends she cries,
How from their hell would vengeful fiends arise! 
Abhorr’d by all, accursed my name would grow,
The earth’s disgrace, and human-kind my foe. 
If this displease, why urge ye here your stay? 
Haste from the court, ye spoilers, haste away: 
Waste in wild riot what your land allows,
There ply the early feast, and late carouse. 
But if to honour lost, ’tis still decreed
For you my howl shall flow, my flocks shall bleed;
Judge, and assert my right, impartial Jove! 
By him, and all the immortal host above
(A sacred oath), if heaven the power supply,
Vengeance I vow, and for your wrongs ye die.”

With that, two eagles from a mountain’s height
By Jove’s command direct their rapid flight;
Swift they descend, with wing to wing conjoin’d,
Stretch their broad plumes, and float upon the wind. 
Above the assembled peers they wheel on high,
And clang their wings, and hovering beat the sky;
With ardent eyes the rival train they threat,
And shrieking loud denounce approaching fate. 
They cuff, they tear; their cheeks and neck they rend,
And from their plumes huge drops of blood descend;
Then sailing o’er the domes and towers, they fly,
Full toward the east, and mount into the sky.

The wondering rivals gaze, with cares oppress’d,
And chilling horrors freeze in every breast,
Till big with knowledge of approaching woes,
The prince of augurs, Halitherses, rose: 
Prescient he view’d the aerial tracks, and drew
A sure presage from every wing that flew.

“Ye sons (he cried) of Ithaca, give ear;
Hear all! but chiefly you, O rivals! hear. 
Destruction sure o’er all your heads impends
Ulysses comes, and death his steps attends. 
Nor to the great alone is death decreed;
We and our guilty Ithaca must bleed. 
Why cease we then the wrath of heaven to stay? 
Be humbled all, and lead, ye great! the way. 
For lo? my words no fancied woes relate;
I speak from science and the voice of fate.

“When great Ulysses sought the Phrygian shores
To shake with war proud Ilion’s lofty towers,
Deeds then undone me faithful tongue foretold: 
Heaven seal’d my words, and you those deeds behold. 
I see (I cried) his woes, a countless train;
I see his friends o’erwhelm’d beneath the main;
How twice ten years from shore to shore he roams: 
Now twice ten years are past, and now he comes!”

To whom Eurymachus—­“Fly, dotard fly,
With thy wise dreams, and fables of the sky. 
Go prophesy at home, thy sons advise: 
Here thou art sage in vain—­I better read the skies
Unnumber’d birds glide through the aerial way;
Vagrants of air, and unforeboding stray. 
Cold in the tomb, or in the deeps below,
Ulysses lies; oh wert thou laid as low! 
Then would that busy head no broils suggest,

Project Gutenberg
The Odyssey from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.