The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 455 pages of information about The Odyssey.
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The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 455 pages of information about The Odyssey.

Eumaeus scoffing then with keen disdain: 
“There pass thy pleasing night, O gentle swain! 
On that soft pillow, from that envied height,
First may’st thou see the springing dawn of light;
So timely rise, when morning streaks the east,
To drive thy victims to the suitors’ feast.”

This said, they, left him, tortured as he lay,
Secured the door, and hasty strode away: 
Each, breathing death, resumed his dangerous post
Near great Ulysses; four against an host,
When lo! descending to her hero’s aid,
Jove’s daughter, Pallas, War’s triumphant maid: 
In Mentor’s friendly form she join’d his side: 
Ulysses saw, and thus with transport cried: 

“Come, ever welcome, and thy succour lend;
O every sacred name in one, my friend! 
Early we loved, and long our loves have grown;
Whate’er through life’s whole series I have done,
Or good, or grateful, now to mind recall,
And, aiding this one hour, repay it all.”

Thus he; but pleasing hopes his bosom warm
Of Pallas latent in the friendly form. 
The adverse host the phantom-warrior eyed,
And first, loud-threatening, Agelaus cried: 

“Mentor, beware, nor let that tongue persuade
Thy frantic arm to lend Ulysses aid;
Our force successful shall our threat make good,
And with the sire and son commix thy blood. 
What hopest thou here?  Thee first the sword shall slay,
Then lop thy whole posterity away;
Far hence thy banish’d consort shall we send;
With his thy forfeit lands and treasures blend;
Thus, and thus only, shalt thou join thy friend.”

His barbarous insult even the goddess fires,
Who thus the warrior to revenge inspires: 

“Art thou Ulysses? where then shall we find
The patient body and the constant mind? 
That courage, once the Trojans’ daily dread,
Known nine long years, and felt by heroes dead? 
And where that conduct, which revenged the lust
Of Priam’s race, and laid proud Troy in dust? 
If this, when Helen was the cause, were done;
What for thy country now, thy queen, thy son? 
Rise then in combat, at my side attend;
Observe what vigour gratitude can lend,
And foes how weak, opposed against a friend!”

She spoke; but willing longer to survey
The sire and son’s great acts withheld the day! 
By farther toils decreed the brave to try,
And level poised the wings of victory;
Then with a change of form eludes their sight,
Perch’d like a swallow on a rafter’s height,
And unperceived enjoys the rising fight.

Damastor’s son, bold Agelaus, leads,
The guilty war, Eurynomus succeeds;
With these, Pisander, great Polyctor’s son,
Sage Polybus, and stern Amphimedon,
With Demoptolemus:  these six survive: 
The best of all the shafts had left alive. 
Amidst the carnage, desperate as they stand,
Thus Agelaus roused the lagging band: 

Project Gutenberg
The Odyssey from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.