The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 455 pages of information about The Odyssey.
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The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 455 pages of information about The Odyssey.

Thus speaking, on the floor the bow he placed
(With rich inlay the various floor was graced): 
At distance far the feather’d shaft he throws,
And to the seat returns from whence he rose.

To him Antinous thus with fury said: 
“What words ill-omen’d from thy lips have fled? 
Thy coward-function ever is in fear! 
Those arms are dreadful which thou canst not bear,
Why should this bow be fatal to the brave? 
Because the priest is born a peaceful slave. 
Mark then what others can.”  He ended there,
And bade Melanthius a vast pile prepare;
He gives it instant flame, then fast beside
Spreads o’er an ample board a bullock’s hide. 
With melted lard they soak the weapon o’er,
Chafe every knot, and supple every pore. 
Vain all their art, and all their strength as vain;
The bow inflexible resists their pain. 
The force of great Eurymachus alone
And bold Antinous, yet untired, unknown: 
Those only now remain’d; but those confess’d
Of all the train the mightiest and the best.

Then from the hall, and from the noisy crew,
The masters of the herd and flock withdrew. 
The king observes them, he the hall forsakes,
And, past the limits of the court, o’ertakes. 
Then thus with accent mild Ulysses spoke: 
“Ye faithful guardians of the herd and flock! 
Shall I the secret of my breast conceal,
Or (as my soul now dictates) shall I tell? 
Say, should some favouring god restore again
The lost Ulysses to his native reign,
How beat your hearts? what aid would you afford
To the proud suitors, or your ancient lord?”

Philaetius thus:  “O were thy word not vain! 
Would mighty Jove restore that man again! 
These aged sinews, with new vigour strung,
In his blest cause should emulate the young.” 
With equal vows Eumaeus too implored
Each power above, with wishes for his lord.

He saw their secret souls, and thus began: 
“Those vows the gods accord; behold the man! 
Your own Ulysses! twice ten years detain’d
By woes and wanderings from this hapless land: 
At length he comes; but comes despised, unknown,
And finding faithful you, and you alone. 
All else have cast him from their very thought,
E’en in their wishes and their prayers forgot! 
Hear then, my friends:  If Jove this arm succeed,
And give yon impious revellers to bleed,
My care shall be to bless your future lives
With large possessions and with faithful wives;
Fast by my palace shall your domes ascend,
And each on young Telemachus attend,
And each be call’d his brother and my friend. 
To give you firmer faith, now trust your eye;
Lo! the broad scar indented on my thigh,
When with Autolycus’ sons, of yore,
On Parnass’ top I chased the tusky boar.” 
His ragged vest then drawn aside disclosed
The sign conspicuous, and the scar exposed: 
Eager they view’d, with joy they stood amazed
With tearful eyes o’er all their master gazed: 
Around his neck their longing arms they cast,
His head, his shoulders, and his knees embraced;
Tears followed tears; no word was in their power;
In solemn silence fell the kindly shower. 
The king too weeps, the king too grasps their hands;
And moveless, as a marble fountain, stands.

Project Gutenberg
The Odyssey from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.