The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 455 pages of information about The Odyssey.
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The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 455 pages of information about The Odyssey.
Who in partition seek his realm to share;
Nor human right nor wrath divine revere,
Since here resolved oppressive these reside,
Contending doubts my anxious heart divide: 
Now to some foreign clime inclined to fly,
And with the royal herd protection buy;
Then, happier thoughts return the nodding scale,
Light mounts despair, alternate hopes prevail: 
In opening prospects of ideal joy,
My king returns; the proud usurpers die.”

To whom the chief:  “In thy capacious mind
Since daring zeal with cool debate is join’d,
Attend a deed already ripe in fate: 
Attest, O Jove! the truth I now relate! 
This sacred truth attest, each genial power,
Who bless the board, and guard this friendly bower! 
Before thou quit the dome (nor long delay)
Thy wish produced in act, with pleased survey,
Thy wondering eyes shall view:  his rightful reign
By arms avow’d Ulysses shall regain,
And to the shades devote the suitor-train.”

“O Jove supreme! (the raptured swain replies,)
With deeds consummate soon the promised joys! 
These aged nerves, with new-born vigour strung,
In that blest cause should emulate the young.” 
Assents Eumaeus to the prayer address’d;
And equal ardours fire his loyal breast.

Meantime the suitors urge the prince’s fate,
And deathful arts employ the dire debate: 
When in his airy tour, the bird of Jove
Truss’d with his sinewy pounce a trembling dove;
Sinister to their hope!  This omen eyed
Amphinomus, who thus presaging cried: 

“The gods from force and fraud the prince defend;
O peers! the sanguinary scheme suspend: 
Your future thought let sable fate employ;
And give the present hour to genial joy.”

From council straight the assenting peerage ceased,
And in the dome prepared the genial feast. 
Disrobed, their vests apart in order lay,
Then all with speed succinct the victims slay: 
With sheep and shaggy goats the porkers bled,
And the proud steer was on the marble spread. 
With fire prepared, they deal the morsels round,
Wine, rosy-bright, the brimming goblets crown’d,
By sage Eumaeus borne; the purple tide
Melanthius from an ample jar supplied: 
High canisters of bread Philaetius placed;
And eager all devour the rich repast. 
Disposed apart, Ulysses shares the treat;
A trivet table, and ignobler seat,
The prince appoints; but to his sire assigns
The tasteful inwards, and nectareous wines. 
“Partake, my guest (he cried), without control
The social feast, and drain the cheering bowl: 
Dread not the railer’s laugh, nor ruffian’s rage;
No vulgar roof protects thy honour’d age;
This dome a refuge to thy wrongs shall be,
From my great sire too soon devolved to me! 
Your violence and scorn, ye suitors, cease,
Lest arms avenge the violated peace.”

Awed by the prince, so haughty, brave, and young,
Rage gnaw’d the lip, amazement chain’d the tongue. 
“Be patient, peers! (at length Antinous cries,)
The threats of vain imperious youth despise: 
Would Jove permit the meditated blow,
That stream of eloquence should cease to flow.”

Project Gutenberg
The Odyssey from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.