The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 455 pages of information about The Odyssey.
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The Odyssey eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 455 pages of information about The Odyssey.

“While yet I speak the winged galley flies,
And lo! the Siren shores like mists arise. 
Sunk were at once the winds; the air above,
And waves below, at once forgot to move;
Some demon calm’d the air and smooth’d the deep,
Hush’d the loud winds, and charm’d the waves to sleep. 
Now every sail we furl, each oar we ply;
Lash’d by the stroke, the frothy waters fly. 
The ductile wax with busy hands I mould,
And cleft in fragments, and the fragments roll’d;
The aerial region now grew warm with day,
The wax dissolved beneath the burning ray;
Then every ear I barr’d against the strain,
And from access of frenzy lock’d the brain. 
Now round the masts my mates the fetters roll’d,
And bound me limb by limb with fold on fold. 
Then bending to the stroke, the active train
Plunge all at once their oars, and cleave the main.

“While to the shore the rapid vessel flies,
Our swift approach the Siren choir descries;
Celestial music warbles from their tongue,
And thus the sweet deluders tune the song: 

“’Oh stay, O pride of Greece!  Ulysses, stay! 
Oh cease thy course, and listen to our lay! 
Blest is the man ordain’d our voice to hear,
The song instructs the soul, and charms the ear. 
Approach! thy soul shall into raptures rise! 
Approach! and learn new wisdom from the wise! 
We know whate’er the kings of mighty name
Achieved at Ilion in the field of fame;
Whate’er beneath the sun’s bright journey lies. 
Oh stay, and learn new wisdom from the wise!’

“Thus the sweet charmers warbled o’er the main;
My soul takes wing to meet the heavenly strain;
I give the sign, and struggle to be free;
Swift row my mates, and shoot along the sea;
New chains they add, and rapid urge the way,
Till, dying off, the distant sounds decay;
Then scudding swiftly from the dangerous ground,
The deafen’d ear unlock’d, the chains unbound.

“Now all at once tremendous scenes unfold;
Thunder’d the deeps, the smoky billows roll’d! 
Tumultuous waves embroil the bellowing flood,
All trembling, deafen’d, and aghast we stood! 
No more the vessel plough’d the dreadful wave,
Fear seized the mighty, and unnerved the brave;
Each dropp’d his oar; but swift from man to man
With looks serene I turn’d, and thus began: 
’O friends!  O often tried in adverse storms! 
With ills familiar in more dreadful forms! 
Deep in the dire Cyclopean den you lay,
Yet safe return’d—­Ulysses led the way. 
Learn courage hence, and in my care confide;
Lo! still the same Ulysses is your guide. 
Attend my words! your oars incessant ply;
Strain every nerve, and bid the vessel fly. 
If from yon jostling rocks and wavy war
Jove safety grants, he grants it to your care. 
And thou, whose guiding hand directs our way,
Pilot, attentive listen and obey! 
Bear wide thy course, nor plough those angry waves
Where rolls yon smoke, yon tumbling ocean raves;
Steer by the higher rock; lest whirl’d around
We sink, beneath the circling eddy drown’d.’ 
While yet I speak, at once their oars they seize,
Stretch to the stroke, and brush the working seas. 
Cautious the name of Scylla I suppress’d;
That dreadful sound had chill’d the boldest breast.

Project Gutenberg
The Odyssey from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.