presence of all the sovereigns of Europe I ever found
myself quite at home, and experienced from the whole
court the most flattering esteem and admiration.
I remember, one particular day, the fate of the unfortunate
Marquis de Bellecourt. The Countess of Rassinda,
who accompanied him, looked most divinely. “Yes,
I am confident,” said the Marquis de Bellecourt
to me, “that I have acted according to the strictest
sentiments of justice and of loyalty to my sovereign.
What stronger breast-plate than a heart untainted?
and though I did not receive a word nor a look, yet
I cannot think—no, it were impossible to
be misrepresented. Conscious of my own integrity,
I will try again—I will go boldly up.”
The Marquis de Bellecourt saw the opportunity; he
advanced three paces, put his hand upon his breast
and bowed. “Permit me,” said he,
“with the most profound respect, to——.”
His tongue faltered—he could scarcely believe
his sight, for at that moment the whole company were
moving out of the room. He found himself almost
alone, deserted by every one. “What!”
said he, “and did he turn upon his heel with
the most marked contempt? Would he not speak to
me? Would he not even hear me utter a word in
my defence?” His heart died within him—not
even a look, a smile from any one. “My friends!
Do they not know me? Do they not see me?
Alas! they fear to catch the contagion of my——.
Then,” said he, “adieu!—’tis
more than I can bear. I shall go to my country
seat, and never, never will return. Adieu, fond
court, adieu!—”
The venerable Marquis de Bellecourt stopped for a
moment ere he entered his carriage. Thrice he
looked back, and thrice he wiped the starting tear
from his eye. “Yes,” said he, “for
once, at least, truth shall be found—in
the bottom of a well!”
Peace to thy ghost, most noble marquis! a King of
kings shall pity thee; and thousands who are yet unborn
shall owe their happiness to thee, and have cause
to bless the thousands, perhaps, that shall never even
know thy name; but Munchausen’s self shall celebrate
thy glory!
Preparations for the Baron’s expedition into
Africa—Description of his chariot; the
beauties of its interior decorations; the animals that
drew it, and the mechanism of the wheels.
Everything being concluded, and having received my
instructions for the voyage, I was conducted by the
illustrious Hilaro Frosticos, the Lady Fragrantia,
and a prodigious crowd of nobility, and placed sitting
upon the summit of the whale’s bones at the
palace; and having remained in this situation for
three days and three nights, as a trial ordeal, and
a specimen of my perseverance and resolution, the third
hour after midnight they seated me in the chariot
of Queen Mab. It was a prodigious dimension,
large enough to contain more stowage than the tun of
Heidelberg, and globular like a hazel-nut: in
fact, it seemed to be really a hazel-nut grown to