Washington Irving eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Washington Irving.

Washington Irving eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 217 pages of information about Washington Irving.
“’The aid of a Christian priest and a Christian maid is necessary.  The priest to exorcise the powers of darkness; the damsel to touch this chest with the seal of Solomon.  This must be done at night.  But have a care.  This is solemn work, and not to be effected by the carnal-minded.  The priest must be a Cristiano viejo, a model of sanctity; and must mortify the flesh before he comes here, by a rigorous fast of four-and-twenty hours:  and as to the maiden, she must be above reproach, and proof against temptation.  Linger not in finding such aid.  In three days my furlough is at an end; if not delivered before midnight of the third, I shall have to mount guard for another century.’

     “‘Fear not,’ said the student, ’I have in my eye the very priest and
     damsel you describe; but how am I to regain admission to this tower?

     “‘The seal of Solomon will open the way for thee.’

     “The student issued forth from the tower much more gayly than he had
     entered.  The wall closed behind him, and remained solid as before.

“The next morning he repaired boldly to the mansion of the priest, no longer a poor strolling student, thrumming his way with a guitar; but an ambassador from the shadowy world, with enchanted treasures to bestow.  No particulars are told of his negotiation, excepting that the zeal of the worthy priest was easily kindled at the idea of rescuing an old soldier of the faith and a strong-box of King Chico from the very clutches of Satan; and then what alms might be dispensed, what churches built, and how many poor relatives enriched with the Moorish treasure!
“As to the immaculate handmaid, she was ready to lend her hand, which was all that was required, to the pious work; and if a shy glance now and then might be believed, the ambassador began to find favor in her modest eyes.
“The greatest difficulty, however, was the fast to which the good padre had to subject himself.  Twice he attempted it, and twice the flesh was too strong for the spirit.  It was only on the third day that he was enabled to withstand the temptations of the cupboard; but it was still a question whether he would hold out until the spell was broken.
“At a late hour of the night the party groped their way up the ravine by the light of a lantern, and bearing a basket with provisions for exorcising the demon of hunger so soon as the other demons should be laid in the Red Sea.
“The seal of Solomon opened their way into the tower.  They found the soldier seated on the enchanted strong-box, awaiting their arrival.  The exorcism was performed in due style.  The damsel advanced and touched the locks of the coffer with the seal of Solomon.  The lid flew open; and such treasures of gold and jewels and precious stones as flashed upon the eye!

     “‘Here’s cut and come again!’ cried the student, exultingly, as he
     proceeded to cram his pockets.

Project Gutenberg
Washington Irving from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.