Oedipus Trilogy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Oedipus Trilogy.
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Oedipus Trilogy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Oedipus Trilogy.

(Ant. 1)
Thus Dryas’ child, the rash Edonian King,
For words of high disdain
Did Bacchus to a rocky dungeon bring,
To cool the madness of a fevered brain. 
          His frenzy passed,
          He learnt at last
’Twas madness gibes against a god to fling. 
For once he fain had quenched the Maenad’s fire;
And of the tuneful Nine provoked the ire.

(Str. 2)
By the Iron Rocks that guard the double main,
          On Bosporus’ lone strand,
Where stretcheth Salmydessus’ plain
          In the wild Thracian land,
There on his borders Ares witnessed
          The vengeance by a jealous step-dame ta’en
The gore that trickled from a spindle red,
          The sightless orbits of her step-sons twain.

(Ant. 2)
Wasting away they mourned their piteous doom,
The blasted issue of their mother’s womb. 
But she her lineage could trace
          To great Erecththeus’ race;
Daughter of Boreas in her sire’s vast caves
          Reared, where the tempest raves,
Swift as his horses o’er the hills she sped;
A child of gods; yet she, my child, like thee,
               By Destiny
That knows not death nor age—­she too was vanquished.

Princes of Thebes, two wayfarers as one,
Having betwixt us eyes for one, we are here. 
The blind man cannot move without a guide.

Why tidings, old Teiresias?

                              I will tell thee;
And when thou hearest thou must heed the seer.

Thus far I ne’er have disobeyed thy rede.

So hast thou steered the ship of State aright.

I know it, and I gladly own my debt.

Bethink thee that thou treadest once again
The razor edge of peril.

                         What is this? 
Thy words inspire a dread presentiment.

The divination of my arts shall tell. 
Sitting upon my throne of augury,
As is my wont, where every fowl of heaven
Find harborage, upon mine ears was borne
A jargon strange of twitterings, hoots, and screams;
So knew I that each bird at the other tare
With bloody talons, for the whirr of wings
Could signify naught else.  Perturbed in soul,
I straight essayed the sacrifice by fire
On blazing altars, but the God of Fire
Came not in flame, and from the thigh bones dripped
And sputtered in the ashes a foul ooze;
Gall-bladders cracked and spurted up:  the fat
Melted and fell and left the thigh bones bare. 
Such are the signs, taught by this lad, I read—­
As I guide others, so the boy guides me—­
The frustrate signs of oracles grown dumb. 
O King, thy willful temper ails the State,
For all our shrines and altars are profaned
By what has filled the maw of dogs and crows,

Project Gutenberg
Oedipus Trilogy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.