Oedipus Trilogy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Oedipus Trilogy.
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Oedipus Trilogy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Oedipus Trilogy.

It may not be; forbear.

                         Then woe is me,
If I must lose thee.

                    Nay, that rests with fate,
Whether I live or die; but for you both
I pray to heaven ye may escape all ill;
For ye are blameless in the eyes of all.
[Exit Polyneices]

(Str. 1)
     Ills on ills! no pause or rest! 
     Come they from our sightless guest? 
     Or haply now we see fulfilled
     What fate long time hath willed? 
     For ne’er have I proved vain
     Aught that the heavenly powers ordain. 
     Time with never sleeping eye
     Watches what is writ on high,
     Overthrowing now the great,
     Raising now from low estate. 
Hark!  How the thunder rumbles!  Zeus defend us!

Children, my children! will no messenger
Go summon hither Theseus my best friend?

And wherefore, father, dost thou summon him?

This winged thunder of the god must bear me
Anon to Hades.  Send and tarry not.

(Ant. 1)
Hark! with louder, nearer roar
The bolt of Zeus descends once more. 
My spirit quails and cowers:  my hair
Bristles for fear.  Again that flare! 
What doth the lightning-flash portend? 
Ever it points to issues grave. 
Dread powers of air!  Save, Zeus, O save!

Daughters, upon me the predestined end
Has come; no turning from it any more.

How knowest thou?  What sign convinces thee?

I know full well.  Let some one with all speed
Go summon hither the Athenian prince.

(Str. 2)
Ha! once more the deafening sound
Peals yet louder all around
If thou darkenest our land,
Lightly, lightly lay thy hand;
Grace, not anger, let me win,
If upon a man of sin
I have looked with pitying eye,
Zeus, our king, to thee I cry!

Is the prince coming?  Will he when he comes
Find me yet living and my senses clear!

What solemn charge would’st thou impress on him?

For all his benefits I would perform
The promise made when I received them first.

(Ant. 2)
          Hither haste, my son, arise,
          Altar leave and sacrifice,
          If haply to Poseidon now
          In the far glade thou pay’st thy vow. 
          For our guest to thee would bring
          And thy folk and offering,
          Thy due guerdon.  Haste, O King!
[Enter Theseus]

Wherefore again this general din? at once
My people call me and the stranger calls. 
Is it a thunderbolt of Zeus or sleet
Of arrowy hail? a storm so fierce as this
Would warrant all surmises of mischance.

Project Gutenberg
Oedipus Trilogy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.