Oedipus Trilogy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Oedipus Trilogy.
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Oedipus Trilogy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Oedipus Trilogy.

I marvel not if thou hast dallied long
In converse with thy children and preferred
Their speech to mine; I feel no jealousy,
I would be famous more by deeds than words. 
Of this, old friend, thou hast had proof; my oath
I have fulfilled and brought thee back the maids
Alive and nothing harmed for all those threats. 
And how the fight was won, ’twere waste of words
To boast—­thy daughters here will tell thee all. 
But of a matter that has lately chanced
On my way hitherward, I fain would have
Thy counsel—­slight ’twould seem, yet worthy thought. 
A wise man heeds all matters great or small.

What is it, son of Aegeus?  Let me hear. 
Of what thou askest I myself know naught.

’Tis said a man, no countryman of thine,
But of thy kin, hath taken sanctuary
Beside the altar of Poseidon, where
I was at sacrifice when called away.

What is his country? what the suitor’s prayer?

I know but one thing; he implores, I am told,
A word with thee—­he will not trouble thee.

What seeks he?  If a suppliant, something grave.

He only waits, they say, to speak with thee,
And then unharmed to go upon his way.

I marvel who is this petitioner.

Think if there be not any of thy kin
At Argos who might claim this boon of thee.

Dear friend, forbear, I pray.

                              What ails thee now?

Ask it not of me.

                    Ask not what? explain.

Thy words have told me who the suppliant is.

Who can he be that I should frown on him?

My son, O king, my hateful son, whose words
Of all men’s most would jar upon my ears.

Thou sure mightest listen.  If his suit offend,
No need to grant it.  Why so loth to hear him?

That voice, O king, grates on a father’s ears;
I have come to loathe it.  Force me not to yield.

But he hath found asylum.  O beware,
And fail not in due reverence to the god.

O heed me, father, though I am young in years. 
Let the prince have his will and pay withal
What in his eyes is service to the god;
For our sake also let our brother come. 
If what he urges tend not to thy good
He cannot surely wrest perforce thy will. 
To hear him then, what harm?  By open words
A scheme of villainy is soon bewrayed. 
Thou art his father, therefore canst not pay
In kind a son’s most impious outrages. 
O listen to him; other men like thee

Project Gutenberg
Oedipus Trilogy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.