Oedipus Trilogy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Oedipus Trilogy.
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Oedipus Trilogy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Oedipus Trilogy.

Show us the trail, and I’ll attend thee too,
That, if thou hast the maidens hereabouts,
Thou mayest thyself discover them to me;
But if thy guards outstrip us with their spoil,
We may draw rein; for others speed, from whom
They will not ’scape to thank the gods at home. 
Lead on, I say, the captor’s caught, and fate
Hath ta’en the fowler in the toils he spread;
So soon are lost gains gotten by deceit. 
And look not for allies; I know indeed
Such height of insolence was never reached
Without abettors or accomplices;
Thou hast some backer in thy bold essay,
But I will search this matter home and see
One man doth not prevail against the State. 
Dost take my drift, or seem these words as vain
As seemed our warnings when the plot was hatched?

Nothing thou sayest can I here dispute,
But once at home I too shall act my part.

Threaten us and—­begone!  Thou, Oedipus,
Stay here assured that nothing save my death
Will stay my purpose to restore the maids.

Heaven bless thee, Theseus, for thy nobleness
And all thy loving care in my behalf.
[Exeunt Theseus and Creon]

(Str. 1)
          O when the flying foe,
          Turning at last to bay,
          Soon will give blow for blow,
          Might I behold the fray;
          Hear the loud battle roar
          Swell, on the Pythian shore,
          Or by the torch-lit bay,
          Where the dread Queen and Maid
          Cherish the mystic rites,
          Rites they to none betray,
          Ere on his lips is laid
          Secrecy’s golden key
          By their own acolytes,
          Priestly Eumolpidae.

          There I might chance behold
          Theseus our captain bold
          Meet with the robber band,
          Ere they have fled the land,
          Rescue by might and main
          Maidens, the captives twain.

(Ant. 1)
          Haply on swiftest steed,
          Or in the flying car,
          Now they approach the glen,
          West of white Oea’s scaur. 
          They will be vanquished: 
          Dread are our warriors, dread
          Theseus our chieftain’s men. 
          Flashes each bridle bright,
          Charges each gallant knight,
          All that our Queen adore,
          Pallas their patron, or
          Him whose wide floods enring
          Earth, the great Ocean-king
          Whom Rhea bore.

(Str. 2)
          Fight they or now prepare
          To fight? a vision rare
          Tells me that soon again
          I shall behold the twain
          Maidens so ill bestead,
          By their kin buffeted. 
Today, today Zeus worketh some great thing

Project Gutenberg
Oedipus Trilogy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.