Oedipus Trilogy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Oedipus Trilogy.
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Oedipus Trilogy eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 157 pages of information about Oedipus Trilogy.

Friends, countrymen, I learn King Oedipus
Hath laid against me a most grievous charge,
And come to you protesting.  If he deems
That I have harmed or injured him in aught
By word or deed in this our present trouble,
I care not to prolong the span of life,
Thus ill-reputed; for the calumny
Hits not a single blot, but blasts my name,
If by the general voice I am denounced
False to the State and false by you my friends.

This taunt, it well may be, was blurted out
In petulance, not spoken advisedly.

Did any dare pretend that it was I
Prompted the seer to utter a forged charge?

Such things were said; with what intent I know not.

Were not his wits and vision all astray
When upon me he fixed this monstrous charge?

I know not; to my sovereign’s acts I am blind. 
But lo, he comes to answer for himself.
[Enter Oedipus.]

Sirrah, what mak’st thou here?  Dost thou presume
To approach my doors, thou brazen-faced rogue,
My murderer and the filcher of my crown? 
Come, answer this, didst thou detect in me
Some touch of cowardice or witlessness,
That made thee undertake this enterprise? 
I seemed forsooth too simple to perceive
The serpent stealing on me in the dark,
Or else too weak to scotch it when I saw. 
This thou art witless seeking to possess
Without a following or friends the crown,
A prize that followers and wealth must win.

Attend me.  Thou hast spoken, ’tis my turn
To make reply.  Then having heard me, judge.

Thou art glib of tongue, but I am slow to learn
Of thee; I know too well thy venomous hate.

First I would argue out this very point.

O argue not that thou art not a rogue.

If thou dost count a virtue stubbornness,
Unschooled by reason, thou art much astray.

If thou dost hold a kinsman may be wronged,
And no pains follow, thou art much to seek.

Therein thou judgest rightly, but this wrong
That thou allegest—­tell me what it is.

Didst thou or didst thou not advise that I
Should call the priest?

                         Yes, and I stand to it.

Tell me how long is it since Laius...

Since Laius...?  I follow not thy drift.

By violent hands was spirited away.

In the dim past, a many years agone.

Did the same prophet then pursue his craft?

Yes, skilled as now and in no less repute.

Project Gutenberg
Oedipus Trilogy from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.