Red Eve eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 364 pages of information about Red Eve.

Red Eve eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 364 pages of information about Red Eve.

Sir John muttered something, thinking that this was a poor way to die, and again the men fell back, except one French knight, who, perhaps, did not catch or understand his words.

This man stretched out his hand to seize Hugh, but before ever it fell upon his shoulder the bow twanged and Acour’s retainer was seen whirling round and round, cursing with pain.  In the palm of his hand was an arrow that had sunk through it to the feathers.

“You are right; that knave shoots well,” said the Count to Sir John, who made no answer.

Now again all fell back, so that Hugh might have run for it if he would.  But his blood was up, and he did not stir.

“John Clavering,” he said, addressing the young man, “just now, when I lay hid in yonder hole, I heard you say that if you had five minutes with me alone you’d beat me to a pulp and hang what was left of me on the nearest tree.  Well, here I stand, and there’s a tree.  Having first tried to burn me and your sister, you have struck me in the face.  Will you make good your words, or shall I strike you in the face and go my way?  Nay, keep your dogs off me!  Grey Dick yonder has more arrows.”

Now a tumult rose, some saying one thing and some another, but all keeping an eye upon Grey Dick and his bent bow.  At last Sir Edmund Acour rode forward, and in his polished, stately way said to John: 

“Young sir, this merchant is in the right, and whatever his trade may be, his blood is as good as your own.  After your brave words, either you should fight him or take back the blow you gave.”

Then he leaned down and whispered into John’s ear: 

“Your sword is longer than his.  Make an end of him and of all his trouble, lest men should laugh at you as an empty boaster.”

Now John, who was brave and needed but little urging, turned to his father and said: 

“Have I your leave to whip this fellow, sir?”

“You should have asked that before you struck him in the face,” replied the knight.  “You are a man grown.  Do as best pleases you.  Only if you take the blow, begone from Blythburgh.”

Then Eve, who all this time had been listening, called out from where she stood above the river.

“Brother John, if you fight your cousin Hugh, who is my affianced husband, and fall, on your own head be it, for know, your blood shall not stand between him and me, since it was you who struck him, and not he you.  Be warned, John, and let him go, lest he should send you farther than you wish to travel.  And to you, Hugh, I say, though it is much to ask, if he throws down his sword, forget that unknightly blow and come thither.”

“You hear,” said Hugh shortly to John.  “Now, because she is your sister, if it’s your will I’ll begone in peace.”

“Ay,” answered John, setting his thin lips, “because you are a coward, woman-thief, and seek to live that you may bring shame upon our House.  Well, that will pass when you die presently!”

Project Gutenberg
Red Eve from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.