Complete Original Short Stories of Guy De Maupassant eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,791 pages of information about Complete Original Short Stories of Guy De Maupassant.

Complete Original Short Stories of Guy De Maupassant eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 1,791 pages of information about Complete Original Short Stories of Guy De Maupassant.

“I was then lieutenant.  Our garrison consisted of soldier of all descriptions, fragments of slaughtered regiments, some that had run away, freebooters separated from the main army, etc.  We had all kinds, in fact even eleven Turcos [Algerian soldiers in the service of France], who arrived one evening no one knew whence or how.  They appeared at the gates of the city, exhausted, in rags, starving and dirty.  They were handed over to me.

“I saw very soon that they were absolutely undisciplined, always in the street and always drunk.  I tried putting them in the police station, even in prison, but nothing was of any use.  They would disappear, sometimes for days at a time, as if they had been swallowed up by the earth, and then come back staggering drunk.  They had no money.  Where did they buy drink and how and with what?

“This began to worry me greatly, all the more as these savages interested me with their everlasting laugh and their characteristics of overgrown frolicsome children.

“I then noticed that they blindly obeyed the largest among them, the one you have just seen.  He made them do as he pleased, planned their mysterious expeditions with the all-powerful and undisputed authority of a leader.  I sent for him and questioned him.  Our conversation lasted fully three hours, for it was hard for me to understand his remarkable gibberish.  As for him, poor devil, he made unheard-of efforts to make himself intelligible, invented words, gesticulated, perspired in his anxiety, mopping his forehead, puffing, stopping and abruptly beginning again when he thought he had found a new method of explaining what he wanted to say.

“I gathered finally that he was the son of a big chief, a sort of negro king of the region around Timbuctoo.  I asked him his name.  He repeated something like ‘Chavaharibouhalikranafotapolara.’  It seemed simpler to me to give him the name of his native place, ‘Timbuctoo.’  And a week later he was known by no other name in the garrison.

“But we were all wildly anxious to find out where this African ex-prince procured his drinks.  I discovered it in a singular manner.

“I was on the ramparts one morning, watching the horizon, when I perceived something moving about in a vineyard.  It was near the time of vintage, the grapes were ripe, but I was not thinking of that.  I thought that a spy was approaching the town, and I organized a complete expedition to catch the prowler.  I took command myself, after obtaining permission from the general.

“I sent out by three different gates three little companies, which were to meet at the suspected vineyard and form a cordon round it.  In order to cut off the spy’s retreat, one of these detachments had to make at least an hour’s march.  A watch on the walls signalled to me that the person I had seen had not left the place.  We went along in profound silence, creeping, almost crawling, along the ditches.  At last we reached the spot assigned.

Project Gutenberg
Complete Original Short Stories of Guy De Maupassant from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.