Original Short Stories — Volume 13 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 121 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 13.

Original Short Stories — Volume 13 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 121 pages of information about Original Short Stories — Volume 13.

But he came back.  Almost every day he passed before the Cafe des Colonies, and often he could distinguish through the window the figure of the little black-skinned maid serving “bocks” or glasses of brandy to the sailors of the port.  Frequently, too, she would come out to the door on seeing him; soon, without even having exchanged a word, they smiled at one another like acquaintances; and Boitelle felt his heart touched when he suddenly saw, glittering between the dark lips of the girl, a shining row of white teeth.  At length, one day he ventured to enter, and was quite surprised to find that she could speak French like every one else.  The bottle of lemonade, of which she was good enough to accept a glassful, remained in the soldier’s recollection memorably delicious, and it became a custom with him to come and absorb in this little tavern on the quay all the agreeable drinks which he could afford.

For him it was a treat, a happiness, on which his thoughts dwelt constantly, to watch the black hand of the little maid pouring something into his glass while her teeth laughed more than her eyes.  At the end of two months they became fast friends, and Boitelle, after his first astonishment at discovering that this negress had as good principles as honest French girls, that she exhibited a regard for economy, industry, religion and good conduct, loved her more on that account, and was so charmed with her that he wanted to marry her.

He told her his intentions, which made her dance with joy.  She had also a little money, left her by, a female oyster dealer, who had picked her up when she had been left on the quay at Havre by an American captain.  This captain had found her, when she was only about six years old, lying on bales of cotton in the hold of his ship, some hours after his departure from New York.  On his arrival in Havre he abandoned to the care of this compassionate oyster dealer the little black creature, who had been hidden on board his vessel, he knew not why or by whom.

The oyster woman having died, the young negress became a servant at the Colonial Tavern.

Antoine Boitelle added:  “This will be all right if my parents don’t oppose it.  I will never go against them, you understand, never!  I’m going to say a word or two to them the first time I go back to the country.”

On the following week, in fact, having obtained twenty-four hours’ leave, he went to see his family, who cultivated a little farm at Tourteville, near Yvetot.

He waited till the meal was finished, the hour when the coffee baptized with brandy makes people more open-hearted, before informing his parents that he had found a girl who satisfied his tastes, all his tastes, so completely that there could not exist any other in all the world so perfectly suited to him.

The old people, on hearing this, immediately assumed a cautious manner and wanted explanations.  He had concealed nothing from them except the color of her skin.

Project Gutenberg
Original Short Stories — Volume 13 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.